I loved how Eric, Brady and Marlena all came together to try and help Sami and how realistic their conversations were regarding Sami on how she isn’t reacting like a mother would who just lost her son. Great scenes there. Also loved the scenes with Lucas and Kate. Kate had a lot of tears. Very touching.
The real tear jerker was when Sami went to Will’s apartment and saw the spot where Will died (or thinks he died there). When she touched the floor and then lost it, that was utterly heart wrenching. Now it looks like she’s out to kill him but we know that won’t happen.
I could have done without Teresa and Anne but I guess they had to throw something else in there.
Before I used to look at my DVR to see how much time is left of the show because I wanted it to end and I would fast forward a lot but I now I look at the time hoping I have so much time left. These performances are top notch.