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    that’s not an argument or discussion that I’m going to get into but suffice I think the original intention of God, nature and what the original birth certificate and plumbing is sufficient enough to say a girl is a girl is a girl…or a boy is a boy…and neither the twain shall meet. 

    If scientists or doctors can cross a dog and a cat, (for a simple example) it doesn’t make it correct or right – just because you can physically do something medically, scientifically, or otherwise.  Take it one step further, suppose a person believes that they should have a third eye or arm to make them "whole" human being, (and doctor’s have the ablility), would that make it right? 

    Or are we just a feel good society that grants every wish whether solvent or not like a geni in a bottle?  Suppose this girl changes her mind in 20 years and decides that she does not want the plumbing of a man anymore, are we going to "change back" like a hair color? 


    I think if someone close to you was in that position, you’d be much more sympathic to their plight.  Can you imagine being miserable your entire life because you honestly believe you are the wrong sex and have to go through life imprisioned in that body?  Nobody should have to live that way.

    The movie, Transamerica, was very good and gave excellent insight into what the transgenders go through.  And, I’ve never heard of one single case where the person wanted to change back into their original sex.


    I totally agree with you Bonbon.  I read Chaz’s book and I felt so bad for him growing up.  He really tells how he felt and I am so happy he is happy now. 

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