Home Forums The Annex Board April 18 2024

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  • #61109

    Why doesn’t Harris see that if he had been squawking about who had shot him, there wouldn’t be a need for that judge that gave Stefan time served, now would there? Then this, is there any story coming up that has EJ learning that Kristen plans to free Li’s killer & EJ tips off Li Shin, who’s under the impression that Gabi did kill his son, therefore, he throws both DiMera siblings out of DeMira HDQS & gives security grounds to kill on site if either Kristen & or Stefan is seen on the premises? Remember, the reason as to why EJ turned Stefan down in trying to get rid of Clyde, is because it would have given the power to Stefan in taking EJ down for taking Clyde down & Stefan would take over his family’s HDQS, now wouldn’t he? Plus, Holly never acquired the narcotics at the time that Stefan wanted EJ to help take Clyde down, right? Then this: With EJ has all of the shares & I mean all of them, is he that stupid hand over a majority of them to Stefan, I think not, right?

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