If this subject has been posted earlier, sorry I missed it, but I do want to say a big thanks for allowing new members to the board! I’ve "lurked" for years and posted a few times on Annex, but found that hard to navigate on my slow computer. I feel like lots of you are old friends and often pray for you. Although I am soooo disapointed in the current "Days" that I rarely watch, I keep up by reading these posts! Thanks again!
It has been a long time between posts (I think since the late nineties!). I joined, posted a couple of times, lost my registration, changed my email address and I could never get back in again! I have continued to be a regular lurker though and often times have been really keen to share info. So thanks Jenn for this site and opening registrations again! Nice updated look too, clean and easy to get around! For those who remember me from a hundred years ago I’m Gayle from Australia. I used to run DaysDownunder (long long time ago!).
During this season of thanks, I give thanks to Jenn for opening the board to everyone. I too have been lurking on the board for more years then I care to remember. There have been many topics that I wanted to comment on, but have been unable. Now I can! I have enjoyed reading this board and feel like I know so many of the people who have posted. Hopefully the story lines will get better soon.