Brady was born on screen on May 19, 1992 and Abigail was born on October 19, 1992 so they are only months apart. However, which one of the Kiriakis boys is Sonny? September 17, 1990 Joseph Kiriak or September 17, 1990 Victor Kiriakis II? Then you’ve got Sami who should be 8 years older than Brady and yet at one time was way older! EJ has to win for being the most "out of whack!" He was born 2/21/1997 and should be younger than Sami’s son, Will (11/16/1995) and Philip Kiriakis (2/21/1995)! Given all that, Brady should still be in college or just graduating, EJ should still be in High School, and Sonny maybe the closest to his actual age!