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    It’s getting lighter/redder by the day. It always amazes me how product and a good hair stylist can do wonders. Remember how scraggly it looked in the beginning? Now gorgeous, lush hair!


     I was thinking that yesterday too.  I really like it.  it really lightens her face.  so much better than before.  it was lifeless before.  I also loved Sami’s hair friday too.  I would love to have hair like hers,  it looks fabulous all the time.  Of course it helps to have your own personal stylist!  That would help!  


    look more like Mommy and daughter. 


     and bangs as opposed to the dark hair pulled off her face.  Her features are way too sharp and the dark hair pulled away from her face only amplifies those features.  The lighter hair with bangs brings out her features in a much more flattering way, IMO.  As for Sami, I have always loved her hair the way she wore it on the confession tape as opposed to curly, but AS is so pretty that she looks good in any style.  She always looks beautiful on The Biggest Loser, and so tiny, whereas on DOOL she appears heavier than she really is.


    I completely agree.  I usually prefer darker hair but the lighter color on Carly softens her face and is very attractive on her.

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