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    To be honest I haven’t really watched an episode of Days for several months.  I record them and decide after reading her if it’s worth my time and then when I do watch it’s only the storyline I’m interested in.  

    Today I happened to catch a few minutes of the show when it was on and the scene was Caroline and Stephanie talking at the pub.  When did Caroline get so caddy and gossipy?  The way she was talking about Melanie and how she comes in there and is so sweet to everyone.  Caroline looked to be making fun of Melanie while trying to act and talk like her. This is NOT the classy lady with guts that would stand up to anybody who got in her way. She was behaving and talking like a high school kid.



    Caroline was relegated to the kitchen of the Pub and just baby sitting Sami’s children – and maybe she lost her spark and niceness being locked away making chowder for a year – I kept saying I wanted to see her and Victor together – (way before Maggie came into the picture) after she’d mourned for Shawn, but then she just appeared like that, mettling and more opinionated than I am!  Bring back the real Caroline! 


    I thought for a while she and Victor would get together and be a super couple…but it looks like Victor gave up on her, and now she is a person I no longer recognize. I know we all have flaws, but this judgementalism and sneeky behavior just isn’t her character. Maybe she will have a big fall and return to her roots.


    A while back we were discussing the possibility of Caroline having some sort of medical problem that may or may not be contributing to her sudden change in personality and mannerisms.  A spoiler was even posted a while back indicating that she would wind up in the ICU around the same time that Parker’s christening takes place (by the way, they will be bringing back the Saint Luke’s set for that).  Turns out Caroline will have a stroke, so perhaps her Dr. Jekyll persona will be attributed to that.  I can’t help thinking It simply is too sudden of an about-face in her personality for it to be anything else.  I don’t know when Peggy’s contract expires, but the actress just turned 80, so I’m wondering if they are considering writing her out in the near future.  Just speculation there, which is not part of the spoiler.


    but, even so, that wouldn’t account for her change in personality.  A TIA could manifest itself in some strange behavor but it would be fleeting and affect her motor skills, not particularly the mental ones.  In other words, she would have know what she had done was out of character for her after the TIA subsided.  Once she has the full-blown stroke, then, yes, it could change her personality if it’s not a major one.

    According to an MRI, I’ve had about 20 TIAs so I’m just waiting for the big one.  Although as rampant as cancer runs in my family (including me), that’s what I really expect to go from.

    Speaking of strokes, I spent two weeks in a rehab hospital after my spine surgery where most of the patients were stroke victims.  (My brother also had a massive stroke.)  I’ve gotta say, that’s some scary stuff.  How frustrating it must be to not be able to talk or make your body do what you want it to do.  I use to sit and look in my brother’s eyes and I’m convinced he knew what was going on but just couldn’t communicate.  I could picture someone screaming on the inside to be understood but only drooling and babbling on the out.

    Sorry to get maudlin here but unless you’ve seen it up close, I don’t think anyone can appreciate the severity and impact a stroke has…on everybody.


    I agree.  A TIA or mini stroke won’t cause a personality change.  Most TIA’s are dizziness, numbness or in my dad’s case one eye would go blind for a few seconds then be OK again and a lot of times there are no symptoms at all.  The after effects of a stroke could be personality changes (I think Sophia on Golden Girls) but that’s after not before.  Now if Caroline had a blood clot or tumor that might be causing some changes but I don’t think it would be to the degree she’s been acting.  Maybe it’s just depression or a form of dimentia setting in OR the writers are the ones with the dimentia for writing the stuff they do.


    was cackling with glee like a demented woman…my initial thought was she’s been hanging around Stephanie much too much. 


    Maybe she’s been partaking of the stock behind the bar.


    That’s what I’ve had, blindness in one eye sometimes and numbness in my fingers at others.  Did he go on to have a big one?  It’s something that really worries me since I’ve had so many of them.


    No he never had a stroke.  Once the docs figured out what was happening they were able to treat the cause and prevent any further problems. 


    I know Stephanie is her grandaughter but since when does Caroline hate Melanie?  Max is her son and Melanie is his sister you would think she would at least want to have some connection with her.  It’s really rather rude.

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