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     Just what exactly are these idiots planning to do with Chase?  I swear they are too stupid to have even pulled this kidnapping off in the first place.  The whole this is ridiculous.  One of the three should have been smart enough to know an adult should have been informed about this.


    the entire dark attitude of the teen set. Do we really want to watch high schoolers with these SLs?


     for what he did, I hope we don’t see a teens vigilante sl with Chase getting the *hit kicked out of him by them.  That would be like a "pot meet kettle" sl, IMO.  Theo had the best idea of taking the story straight to Abe, since Ciara has no intention of telling anyone about it, but continues to brood and darken more each day.  I realize what was done to her was horrible, but she won’t even admit that her part in covering it up is just as wrong.  I will perk up when Hope finds out, because I think she will take the blame for bringing Chase into their lives, so I think Ciara was at least right about that one.


     I think we need to remember that they are teens. Teens don’t think or rationalize the way adults do. They feel the need to respect her decision not to tell but also feel that they should do something.

    I actualyy think it is noble of them to support their friend andwat to help. Ironically, the austic teen is the one with the most sense!! I do hope that Ciera doesn’t allow them to take things too far and end up hurting Chase. 

    As far as Ciera not telling he mother, I understand her concern for her mom taking on even more guilt in this story. Also haven’t we learned quite recently that women don’t want to talk about this sort of thing (anyone hear of Bill cosby and his exploits?) I actually am interested in this storyline of friends caring instead of the usual bullying story of teens going after each other like they did with Chloe, ghoul girl. 


    and not being able to go live with his aunt, I asked myself, hey, he is 18. Why isn’t he going out and getting a job and a place to live. That’s what most kids do. Even if they have parents they tend to want to get out on their own. Is he going to live in that dungeon the rest of his life? In fact, do any of the teens have a job.

    I know things are different now but when I reached 16 and could get a work permit, I was out looking for a job. And all my friends worked after school and on Saturdays too. What do they do now…sit and play video games or post to social media?


     I understand her not wanting to tell anyone but I was hoping Theo would tell his father.  I just think the kidnapping was contrived and they could never pull it off.  They just dragged him down the street from in front of the Horton home in broad daylight and no one noticed?  They don’t have a car.  Stupid.  But much stranger things have happened in Salem.


    something about seeing Claire’s car out front at Joey’s house. It made me think both Theo and Claire had cars. 


     Yeah I heard that too.  I just assumed they didn’t have cars since they are always waking everywhere.


     need to work on for me; getting from A to B.  You are exactly right, how did they do that?  How did they get him there without being seen.  I’m sure Chase didn’t just link arms with his captors and happily skip off with them.

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