Home Forums The Annex Board Clyde’s Bullshit to Ava

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    You tell me how was there a story back when Susan supposedly died in that accident would have Clyde sending Susan to Edmund, given that with no one knowing that she’s alive, I can’t see as to how Clyde knew that she wasn’t, given that no one knew he was behind her being in London, don’t you think?


    I agree, this is a stupid storyline. How on earth would Clyde know that Ava was erratic and driving with Susan in the car to begin with? Much less, know that Susan survived the crash and someone was there that just happened to work for Clyde and was able to get an unconscious Susan all the way to England. Does Clyde have a private jet? Seriously! I’ve hear a rumor that someone ends up dead, after yesterday’s show, I sure hope it’s Clyde. Between Lucas, Chad, and EJ, and maybe even Ava, Harris, and Tripp, someone is going to finally take this piece of crap character out.


    I ageee. This is way too big of a stretch to be believable-that Clyde’s person just happened to be driving by and saw Susan exit the car after the crash. Why do we need Clyde back anyway? Can’t we let Ava be happy for a while?
    Maybe she’ll kill Clyde after his threat to Tripp – a protective mama bear.

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