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    Yesterday, while “under hypnosis” Bobby/Everett told this story of being beaten by his father Robert Stein. Two weeks ago we were lead to believe the Everett is the real person and Bobby is the alter. If Bobby is the alter, how is Everett’s dad Robert Stein? Wouldn’t he have the last name Lynch? Also, I don’t know much about DID, but I don’t recall ever hearing that alters also adopt last names. Wouldn’t or shouldn’t Bobby have just been Bobby Lynch?

    Lastly, why didn’t Marlena catch any of this? She is really off her game. Maybe she should consider retirement.

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by mommytutu.

    Also why would Everett have Bobby’s memories even under hypnosis? I thought perhaps Bobby was faking the whole thing and wasn’t under hypnosis. Why would Bobby agree to hypnosis to begin with? You’re right, this Bobby/Evertt story is getting confusing.

    I was surprised Marlena fell for Bobby faking being Everett and then letting him out of Bayview. She didn’t do any analysis, just said ok you’re Everett, good bye.


    I think as to why Everett has Bobby’s memories is because he’s the gatekeeper, he knew all along what Bobby went through. He’s the one that knew of the abuse & kept it quiet, because he wanted to protect Bobby. Now that Bobby now knows, then Everett will never come out because with Marlena knowing what Bobby went through, she will help Bobby to deal with everything & help him integrate Bobby & Everett together. What I question is that with Jada & Stephanie now knowing that Bobby is faking being Everett, then that means what Bobby related to Marlena, she’s unaware that the whole story is false, that she allowed herself to fall for Bobby’s bullshit story of the abuse, so when she thinks that she integrated Bobby & Everett, she has no clue that she was conned. So I hope that Jada & Stephanie sees Connie, when she slinks away, Jada tells Marlena & Stephanie goes running to her mother,& prevents Connie from getting to Rafe. Marlena would have to let Gabi to know of Connie once she hears what Jada has to say, because Gabi’s daughter is Marlena’s great-granddaughter.


    @zodiacpisces, I think it’s the other way around. Bobby is protecting Everett. Bobby is the gate keeper, he even said at one time that he is protecting Everett. And Bobby definitely faked being under hypnosis.


    WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everett existed before Bobby came out to attack Eric. Everett existed in Seattle to have a relationship with Stephanie. Remember, it was established after Everett woke up from his comatose state, he was Bobby & physically & verbally assaulted Jada, it was Bobby that married Jada. Remember, Everett was Everett when he first came to Salem, even Chad relished in Everett’s back stories that he had covered in Seattle way before Bobby came out, right?


    You just said what I said. Bobby came out, meaning Everett is the real person. Bobby is one of his personalities. The real person is Everett, Bobby gate keeps. This is my issue with the story. At one point we thought Bobby was the real person, but then they changed it to Everett is the real person and Bobby is one of the personalities. If that is so, why would the parent be Robert Stein. I think the writers have changed their minds multiple times on how this story is going to be written, but it sure would help if they’d pick one and stick with it. And don’t yell at me.


    you said this: I think it’s the other way around. Bobby is protecting Everett. Bobby is protecting Everett. Bobby is the gate keeper, he even said so at one time that he is protecting Everett & Bobby even faked being under hypnosis. Which way is it when your last addendum is that Bobby came out, meaning Everett is the real person. Bobby is one of his personalities. The real person is Everett, Bobby gate-keeps. See my point now?


    Your quote, “ I think as to why Everett has Bobby’s memories is because he’s the gatekeeper, he knew all along what Bobby went through.” First of all Everett doesn’t have Bobby’s memories. Everett barely even knows that there is a Bobby except for what he’s been told. Who is your “he’s the gatekeeper?” From your sentence structure you are inferring that Everett is the gatekeeper. I am stating that Bobby is the keeper. And just so we’re clear, Bobby has Everett’s memories, not the other way around.


    But what I’m getting at is that Bobby came out of Everett. It was Everett who saw Eric trying to get a sloshed Sloan home, that was when Bobby emerged. Showing Bobby’s side to Eric. So to me, the gatekeeper i.e. Everett saw the abuse coming from Bobby’s father. That was why Everett had said in his motel room that he was protecting Bobby. I think the reason as to why you are giving the illusion that Everett is the alter is because Bobby is faking being Everett & faking being under hypnosis, so Marlena would buy the abuse bullshit. Jada & Stepanie knows the truth that the alter i.e. Bobby is faking being Everett. Remember, Bobby was the one that was in the institution. Connie ended up hearing that Jada & Stephanie knows the truth, that Bobby is faking being Everett. So she plans to tell Bobby & that’s why she & Bobby wants Rafe dead. Because she wants Bobby to have Jada. Remember, Bobby is the alter, because once Everett came out of that coma in Seattle, it was the Bobby persona that married Jada. But remember, it was Everett that was in the coma, not Bobby, so I can’t see that Everett is the alter, see my point now?


    Bobby said he was protecting Everett, not the other way around. There is no Bobby’s father, if Bobby is the alter. It’s Everett’s father. Somewhere you have confused what I said. I never said Everett was the alter. I said the show (the writers) have confused us because we have been led to believe that Bobby is the alter, but under the faked hypnosis session Bobby called his/Everett’s father Robert Stein. This is where my confusion comes from. I don’t understand where these writers are going. Why didn’t Marlena pick up on that? What is Everett’s father’s name? Maybe it is Robert Stein, but then when and why did Everett choose Lynch as his last name? Has that ever been explained?


    I think the writers wrote themselves into a corner. What should be a simple story about Everett/Bobby has turned into a confusing mess. When we had Gabi/Gaby the story was easy to follow.
    Here’s what I understand so far. Stef met Everett Lynch in Seattle and he ghosted her. Then Everett shows up in Salem with the I was in an accident, had a brain injury, and don’t have memories story. Then we find out Jada was married to Bobby Stein who treated her terribly so she divorced him. Then we are led to believe that Bobby, as Everett, cheated on Jada with Stef. What’s confusing here is the timeline for all of this. Is this the sequence:
    1. Jada marries Bobby. (Seattle)
    2. Bobby leaves her and turns into Everett and dates Stef. (Seattle)
    3. Everett has an accident and has a brain injury and no memories. (Seattle)
    4. Stef thinks he ghosted her.
    5. Everett shows up in Salem and dates Stef.
    6. Jada recognizes Everett as Bobby Stein. Everett is confused about his identity since he doesn’t know Bobby Stein.
    7. Marlena tries to help since Bobby and Everett are vying for control.
    8. Full blown Bobby seems to be in control now and Everett is in the background.

    The Stein vs Lynch last names hasn’t been explained. Why Bobby is in control hasn’t been explained. There’s a lot more to this story that needs to be explained, and quickly because this story has lasted too long already. Let’s wrap it up!


    I wish there was a like button.

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