Home Forums The Brady Pub Dance Moms…again…

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    I know some of you here watch this show and after last night I just have to vent. I know most of this stuff is intentional and just for the drama but I’ll tell you, I’m getting so sick and tired of Abby telling these kids how they can be replaced and nobody will ever be as good as her precious little Maddie. She complains when someone comes in second. I’ve got news for you Abby. They can’t ALL come in first. Poor seems Chloe always gets it the worst.

    How in the world can these poor kids, young kids at that, ever maintain any self esteem when they’re being put down so horribly all the time. I think if I were one of those moms I’d confront her and tell her to knock it off or we’re outta there. I don’t care how good a teacher she is, my kid is worth much more than that. It’s like they are taking a verbal beating every time they are in front of her. Of course, the moms are just as bad as Abby with what they say to her and each other. Why, oh why, do I watch this stupid train wreck?


    who allow their kids to be exposed to this. I have no problem with Abby’s crack the whip style but when it degrades into seemingly constant  beatdowns between parents and teacher and hurtful personal comments to kids this is crossing the line. It’s like how far can you sensationalize reality tv? This show got old for me fast which is too bad because I loved the dancing.



    gives reality TV one hellacious bruise. No way would I subject my child to this maniacal woman or to this show. These mothers need their heads examined, but I think they actually enjoy the attention they get. Guess that’s why it’s called “Dance MOMS.”


     about it all being drama and for the sake of the show.  I cannot believe otherwise that any mother would allow someone to berate their kids like that.

    Yeah, I too love it for the dancing and just how talented these kids are.  Especially little McKinzie.  And the little black girl…what was her name? (Something like a town’s name?)  Talk about the whole package.


     I too watch this stupid train wreck of a show.  I absolutley blame the mothers more than Abby for letting their kids stay at that dance company.  If Abby is that bad and they feel their kids are getting abuse from her, then they need to yank their kid out of there.  Of course Abby does cross the line, but it is her company and the mothers can leave anytime they want.  I think a teacher should be strict, but Abby goes way over the top at times and it is uncalled for.

     I like the excuses the mothers make when asked why they are letting their kids stay.  It’s usually something like "my kid loves the other kids–all her friends are here."  That’s so ridiculous.  Bottom line is that they are staying because of all the money and fame they are getting.  That Christie thinks she is a beauty queen.  She is so mean-spirited.  I understand she doesn’t like the way Abby treats Chloe, but Christie is just a mean and unhappy person.  The only time she really smiles is when she is saying something mean about someone.

    These mothers are way worse than Abby for not putting their kids first.  Sometimes the mothers do walk out and say "I’m done" but then they’re back again.  Please, they know Abby will never change and if their daughter is being verbally abused, go somewhere else.    Period. 


     Did you see that Abby is suing Kelly for assault?  I don’t know all the details but I guess Kelly hit her and pulled her hair (heard it briefly on TV).  Too bad it had to come to that.  Kelly knows what Abby is like and should have removed her kids a long time ago especially since she always complained about how Abby treated her kids.  SHE is the parent and SHE let her kids be exposed to Abby’s ways just for the money and fame (IMO).  I don’t know if it is absolutely true or not, or even if there are any witnesses to it, but if it did happen, Kelly is worse than I thought.


    that stuff was all put on for the sake of the show. Maybe not. Although I’d have a hard time believing any “sane” human being would put up with the crap that both sides dish out.


    I can’t believe Kelly actually slapped Abby AND pulled her hair. She is really in deep doo-doo now and I don’t see any way in hell she’s going to be able to continue on the show. I must say, for not being actors, the anger between those two looked very, very real. It’ll be a shame to lose Brook and her sister on the team though. I wonder if they did that to be able to bring in new dancers/moms.

    But, that said, I’m really sick and tired of Abby continually throwing out that everybody is going to be replaced. Why would those moms stay there if they know they’re going to get the boot? She has become so despicable I just don’t like her anymore.

    I think I enjoy this show for the same reason I like DWTS, it’s the girls’ dancing, their costumes and their talent. All the bickering and screaming is really wearing thing for me. How can people IRL act that way and still be together all the time?


     That was in the news a couple weeks ago.  I didn’t know it was going to be shown on this past Tuesday’s show.  As much as I don’t like the way Abby treats the girls sometimes, like I always say, I blame the mothers more as they are the ones subjecting their kids to this nonsense.  I really believe the "everyone is replaceable" line from Abby is just for show.  She’s trying to spice it up perhaps?  I don’t believe for a minute that she will replace anyone (well, except for Brooke and Paige who will not be returning to the studio). 

     I think it’s good that Brooke is gone.  She never shows any kind of emotion or expression.  I don’t think she ever wanted to be there.  She is not even a very lively dancer.

     The only reason I can think of for the mothers to be staying with their kids, is the money, fame, and exposure their kids are getting (and the mothers, too).  This show can open the door for the girls.  The mothers are despicable for doing this to the kids.  What decent parent would let their kid stay enduring that kind of emotional abuse (if it is real)??  I think Christi is a media whore.  I think she loves all the attention and will never leave that show.

    And I don’t like the way Christi treats Melissa.  Yes, Abby is wrong in always praising Maddie in front of the others, but it is not Maddie’s fault nor is it Melissa’s.  Christie always acts like she has something stuck up her a$$.

    I did read that Abby said even though Kelly and her girls are gone, she is not sure if they will still be on the show.  Huh???  Why would they still be on the show?  Probably to show them at home or doing other things.  I guess whatever works for the ratings.  I can’t believe I watch this crap.


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