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    that EJ finds out Kate and Rafe are sleeping together.  So what!  Neither of them are involved with anyone else and they are adults who don’t need anyone’s "permission" to do whatever.   Maybe it’s just for EJ to think he can use it to place an even bigger wedge between Rafe and Sami, even though it’s not necessary.  Seems like a big non-issue to me.


     You’re right, it is a non issue.  It’s like saying that EJ finds a bunion on his big toe. 


    in the fact that both Sami and Stefano will find this information about Rafe and Kate highly interesting. EJ also dislikes Rafe intently, so he may hope Stefano does something bad to him. (Like that hasn’t already been done to the guy!)


    because I do not believe E.J. and Sami are going anywhere for quite a while.  I do, however, believe that E.J. will still be E.J. when it comes to any competition he may think he has with Sami, especially when it involves getting something on Rafe.  In that case, Sami will probably be the first to know about it.  Rafe is all up in Sami’s face right now, saying that she and E.J. deserve each other, and telling E.J. the same thing about being with Sami, and that would be fine if he didn’t either participate in or approve of practically the same things Sami did when she was with Rafe.  He’s talking out of both sides of his mouth, if you ask me; therefore, he shouldn’t be so willing to reference her past transgressions, since he doesn’t seem to recall some of his own with her.  Did he or did he not provide some cover-ups for her of his own???  People on soaps are so fickle, aren’t they??? LOL!


    it’s going to be a big ego thing with him.  He’s been with Kate in the past so how could she possibly want to be with Rafe.  Well, that and other stuff already mentioned.

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