Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Did Brady finally find his brain????

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    This is a real sore spot with me – parents treating their offspring with kid gloves. Oh dear, what if the little darlings don’t like us anymore if we discipline them? And my little cherub couldn’t possibly do anything wrong!
    I had a goat customer stop by with a 5 yr old son who was spouting smart ass remarks to his mother and she simply mildly told him that wasn’t nice. Of course, he kept on with no repercussions. And then the mom was telling me about how her best friend had taken up with her father and how she was “going to get her” someday when she least expected it. This was in front of her 7 yr old daughter. The daughter piped in with “we’re gonna kill her!” And this is appropriate?? Kids are in on adult conversations WAY too much.
    My niece who is 16 is spending the summer going to at least 5 concerts, a ton of sweet 16 parties and on vacation with her friend’s family – all at the expense of the parents who are not made of money. When my sis in law asked my niece about getting a summer job, she replied, “I don’t have time for that.”
    OMG, I cannot even imagine myself at 16 saying that to my parents. And no way would I have gotten all those luxuries paid for.
    What really burns me is parents saying how they don’t want their children to “struggle” like they did. What is wrong with struggling? How bout building character and pride of accomplishment and appreciation of what you have earned in life?
    I guess Bonbon, we’re part of a generation long gone by – regrettably.


    was certainly anticlimactic. Complete recovery with no lasting effects at all? Very, very unlikely. Those are known as TIAs, not strokes. If they didn’t come home for her when she was going through all the initial Alzheimer problems, why would they come home for this?


    Peggy, Victor, Stefano, Mrs. H., Mickey, Doug, Henderson, all past 80 and only Mickey retired. Can we count Ralph Waite (was that his name?)? Either it pays well, they enjoy what they’re doing or they just want to stay active.

    OMG! I just found out Melissa Archer (Serena) and I have the same birthday…Dec. 2nd.


    and so very true.  A huge majority of the children and grand-children of today could all learn some lessons from realizing that a little hard work and a lot more respect for their elders couldn’t hurt any of them, but it certainly could do a lot toward their earning the respect of their parents and grand-parents who met their struggles head-on and are much better for it today.  I don’t think it’s too late to save a generation, but the teaching and learning has to start at home.


     You should see what I see. I had the sweetest little girl in my class last year, but when she was around mom, she was awful! This is kindergarten. I had another girl who was so stubborn, I thought I’d lose my mind. She was even worse with her mom! One more girl, was so awful, but her parents thought she was perfect. This went on all year and at kindergarten graduation she threw the cap off and proceeded to scream bloody murder for an hour! Every time I tried to tell this parent what was going on she was in denial and would blame all the other kids in class and not her darling Evie. Most of my students were really great kids, but some of them had the most clueless parents.


    I subbed in a Catholic school long-term for kindergarten and I had a little girl, whose parents were both attorneys and thought very highly of themselves, tell me to go f*** myself. Charming huh.


     Sometimes parents who send their child to private school seem to feel that they own you, not to mention that they are "better" than you!!. Some public school parents throw it in yhour face that "I pay your salary", but I found most are supportive. 

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