I also noticed about Chad’s arm. It’s in a sling and Abby’s helping him get his shirt off then he’s not in a sling at the Cheatin Heart playing pool and throwing that arm around Sonny’s shoulder when confronting T. Later he’s back at the mansion where EJ summoned him and he’s back in a sling.
I don’t think the problems with night and day is entirely the writer’s faults, it’s lighting. Some outdoor scenes are dark where others are bright and sunny.
One thing I’ve never been able to understand is how those people get so much energy to pack everything they do into one day or before lunch. Melanie’s at Brady’s pub with Jennifer, Dan and Carly, then she’s at the hospital then she’s taking her mom to rehab, then she’s back at the hospital working, then she’s at Brady’s Pub with Dario then she tells Brady she has to go to work. And this was just in one day.