Home Forums The Annex Board Disregarding Past Characters That Came First

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    I can’t any history that Everett has or had with Jada, much less Stephanie for that matter, remember, Nick Fallon existed way before Jada was first seen much less Stephanie’s return for that matter & that Nick Fallon’s wrath of terror played out before they even concepted the character of Everett Lynch. So don’t you think that the writers should know about what characters came first before they concept newer ones?


    Nick Fallon has nothing to do with the character of Everett Lynch. It doesn’t matter which characters came first.


    It does matter which characters came first, I.E. The assassin named Damon that Victor hired when JJ volunteered to babysit Ari for the Ambiguosly Gay Duo & Dr. Eric Richards, you tell me as to Victor’s teen-years played out in Greece with what Constantine had been bringing up to Maggie, you tell me as to how Victor preceded Dr. Eric Richards & you tell me as to how it doesn’t matter what characters came first?


    It does matter which characters came first, I.E. The assassin named Damon that Victor hired when JJ volunteered to babysit Ari for the Ambiguosly Gay Duo & Dr. Eric Richards, you tell me as to Victor’s teen-years played out in Greece with what Constantine had been bringing up to Maggie, you tell me as to how Victor preceded Dr. Eric Richards & you tell me as to how it doesn’t matter what characters came first?


    It doesn’t, it’s a soap opera! The writers can write any character into the show and make them however old they want. It’s not real.


    I’m saying that what went on in Greece with teenage Victor for Constantine to know of played out after Eric Richards left Salem & we are suppose to believe that Victor existed before Dr. Eric Richards came on in 1969 & that Victor came on in 1985 & they waited for 28 years later for JK’s Const to put it out there of Vic’s teenage years, showing to the viewers that the character doesn’t even know of the doctor that left 15 years before Victor first came on?

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