Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Does anyone find Hope intimidating?

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     I mean I get it – we have to rattle everyone with the Christening!  But does anyone really take Hope seriously as a detective?  She’s, by far, the least believeable police offer ever.  On any show.  And it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s a woman.  Though watching her is like watching the 4th Charlies Angel LOL


    but I guess the same could be compared to the entire Salem Police Department. No wonder they’re always referred to as the “Keystone Cops.”


    Hope needs to wake up and realize Ciara has become a liar and devious young girl. 


     Well, that is not surprising . I am sure that this will all be blamed on Bo’s absence. However, Hope has never been a "hands on" mom. Ciara is always at sleepovers, play dates and with Gramma Brady or Abe. She really doesn’t spend much time with Hope.

    It is not hard to see that she has little guidance from her mother!!

    Both Jen and Hope need to pay attention to their kids!


    when they were young. Apple doesn’t fall far!


     So Hope is going to get together with the kids father?  Gotta be right?  They hate each other at first, but then with Bo gone…..Hope gives in.  Cierra will become the new Sami, all angry at her mom leaving her dad.


    with her I Phone !!  sorry couldn’t resist seeing how just about every time we see Hope she’s messing with her phone


    to be just like everyone else on the planet!  


    Practically everybody you see is walking around with a phone in their hand. But what’s even worse is that I’ve recently joined them and bought a smart phone. I find I am now constantly checking for messages and email. What has this world come to?


    it’s Sami, Kate, Nicole, almost everyone in Salem. Very seldom do you see someone without their phone. Even Stefano, E.J., it’s an easy way to leave a scene …. “excuse me, I have to take this.” LOL!


     We are spending the winter on Miami Beach and were on the beach the other day. It was a riot to watch the passerbys. A couple walked along the shore line, she had earphones and was obviously listening to dance music while her partner was busy talking on the phone. On the way back, she was still moving to the beat and he was texting. Another couple were sitting on the the beach, each texting and ignoring each other. It is so funny to see people sitting together and testing or talking way too lud on the phone!!! Might as well be alone.


     First off, I am so jealous!  Miami sounds great right now!  It is 10 degrees here in Boston.

      Anyway, it doesn’t surprise me that people ignore each other while they are texting or talking on the phone.  There are times when I’m out with my boyfriend at a bar, and we see couples sitting there texting, looking at photos, etc. and not talk to each other for a long while.  I would never do that on a date—in fact, I don’t even know how to text! 


    is all the phones actively in use, whether talking or texting or checking messages, AT A MAJOR SPORTING EVENT, like the World Series or the Superbowl. Do they even see any of the game??? LOL! Why even bother to spend the exorbitant amount of money for the tickets if you’re not there for the game? smdh!!!


    Cell phone use is ridiculous. I like my phone as much as everyone else, but I know when to put it away. We were at Disney World last year and the majority of people were on their phones, facebook, etc. instead of enjoying the park. There is so much to see there just walking around and they miss it all! They would rather check facebook 100 times instead of enjoying the time away with their family. I have also seen plenty of couples at restaurants texting, etc. instead of talking to each other. My husband and I do not use our phones when we are out together.


     Funny thing about Miami– it is 66 here, wasabout 45 this morning. All the people are wearing hats, scarfs, ugg boots and complaining how cold it is!!  My hubby and I are laughing and walking around in shorts, t shirts and sandals!! Everyone looks at us like WE are nuts!!

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