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    Why doesn’t he just tell Nicole that her lawyer has "dissappeared"?  That way he can’t send out any letters or proof if Nicole suddenly goes missing?  Just use your vast resources to find out who her lawyer is and get rid of him.  Or better yet, get rid of him and then her.  That’s what an actual gangster would do. 


    He doesn’t even want to kill Rafe2 now.

    Nicole missed the boat when EJ told her that her lawyer wouldn’t even know if she went missing.  She should have told him that she checks in with him every day and if he doesn’t hear from her each day, he starts the ball/heads rolling.


     (as my dear ole’ granny would say when she heard a smart-mouthed kid speaking to a grown-up with ‘attitude’), "too much of what the cat licked his butt with."  There is no way in hell Stefano DiMera would have allowed Nicole to speak to him that way, especially since her threats are so pathetic.  I just feel that sooner or later something is going to happen to Nicole, and she’ll wish she had kept her secrets to herself rather than blab to E.J. and Stefano what she knows and attempt to blackmail them.  E.J. has not only turned into a love-crazed weakling, but now it seems that Stefano is letting her threats get to him as well.  Like I said in another post, the DiMeras have gone from grizzly bears to teddy bears practically overnight.  I have no respect for the DiMera power any longer, especially since they are allowing Nicole to make her silly demands and do nothing about it.  E.J. at least has an excuse — he wants to change for his love for Taylor — but Stefano, c’mon, who would believe that.  Where are Marco and the rest of his henchmen?  And, by the way, who is Nicole’s lawyer anyway?  When did she have the time to even have these papers drawn up and sent to him/her?  Dena, don’t let the door hit ya’, that’s all I can say.

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