Home Forums The Brady Pub Everyone have a very happy Star-spangle 4th of July!

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    Enjoy the family, friends, picnics, and sparklers, and have a wonderful time!  Drive safe! 


    I wish the same to everyone.  Please take a minute to be thankful for all our blessings and be thankful for the freedoms that we enjoy.  It seems that some are being slowly chipped away, and we are not lifting a finger or voice to complain.

    God Bless America, and help us grow in wisdom and understanding.



    and it’s just going to get worse, wait until we get Cap and Trade (fondly known as Cap and Tax) and then wait until Jan. and the tax cuts go away…I heard we’re all going to be paying 33% MORE on what we earn – don’t know about every one else but that’s really going to hurt!  Oh the pain! The pain! 


    from the blueprint our forefathers laid down. We have become a greedy narcissistic society who has lost its way on the road to the American dream and believed the money train would never end. Now we’re sunk in a crater of debt where the quick fix of more crushing taxes is on the way and a massive bungling of the oil spill with no end in sight. We have no leadership and no direction.
    Yet this is still America and I will celebrate the ideals and hope and pray for a better tomorrow. And maybe somewhere on tv catch the flick “1776” to refresh just how wise and wonderful John Adams and the gang were back in our bright and beautiful, anything is possible infancy.


    I am DVRing "John Adams" series this evening (they are rebroadcasting from a couple of years ago).  I think that if the founding fathers and the first American’s woke up and saw the country that they gave everything for today, they’d all say I want to go back to sleep.  We need to wake up America before it’s too late and we turn into a dictatorship at midnight, and right now it’s about "11:30 p.m." 


    While concerns are valid… tomorrow is not the day to think about them.

    Think of all that is good, and deal with the other stuff on Monday.

    As a legal immigrant, I feel very lucky and privileged to be here, even with the ups and downs.

    Happy Independence Day, everyone!



    and we’re fighting to keep it that way!  Glad you joined us – we need more folks like you!

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