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    Does anyone know the date fear factor is going to be on??? I saw this preview of a girl getting her hair all shaved off!!!!!


    Not sure of airdate – sometime this month. Although I find the host kind of a snarky guy. Like I wouldn’t exactly trust him.


    the commercials say dec 12th, a monday. my son has been begging me to let the family watch it since the first commercials came on (seems like they’ve been going for over a month). we will definitely be tuning in.


    Lol. Ok thanks for the info, I liked the show when it was on before. I’m not all that crazy about the host either, I mean hes ok, but eh, I liked when they had celebrities on, I think a couple of the Baldwin brothers were on it and wasn’t Allison Sweeny on it?????


    I can’t remember what she had to do, I think get in a box with rats running all over her and she almost freaked out, to the point of tears.  But she finally did it.

    I like the host.  Yeah, he does look kinda snarky but he does a really good job as host.  I liked the show when it was on before EXCEPT for when they have to eat bugs and gross stuff.  I can’t watch that.


    disgusting FF stuff that convinced me not to watch…I think at the time it grossed me out they had to stick their heads in a bunch of guts or something – (I still cringe)…and that was a year or two ago…BLEAH!


    Oh it’s a fun show pammy!!! u should watch! I do remember that now that you reminded me of her getting in with rats crawling all over her. Ewwwwww that would give you night mares for a long time!!!!! It’s just a double dare show only for adults!! I remember the one where they had to dive in this crate or something of really smelly rancid fish guts to retrieve something or other. Gross! but you should watch! LOL.


    were pulling the ham by their teeth in Survivor and spitting it out and then Jeff said the winners could take all the left over (spit out) ham to eat…and they did!  I about lost it!  Makes a great diet show for me though…can’t even think of eating.


    you don’t think anything of a little spit. 

    I know they wouldn’t let them get malnourished on the show but you can imagine if you’re living completely off of coconuts and fish, how badly you’d crave other foods.


    go without just a little taste of chocolate (one of my major food groups in my food pyramid), at about 2:00 p.m. every day!  I’d be jonesing big time.


     I stopped watching after the girl got her hand stuck in a fish and her hsnd started to swell up. Apparently she had gotten cut and had an allergic reaction. The show and the host were terrible to her. Instead of getting help, they made her take the walk of shame. They were very callous. She later had to be traken to the hospital. Than was enough for me.

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