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    The season finale of Grey’s Anatomy was very sad since one of my favorite characters was killed off. Then, at the very end of the show, the Salem brain must have been transported to the people in the plane crash. They were injured and in shock, granted, but wouldn’t you think they would do everything they could to keep the fire going considering they were out in the north woods, only had 5 matches left, and then were down to one? Then when Meredith struck the last match, it was like a 5 year old did it. Of course the match went out.


    YES!!!  I couldn’t believe she thought she could light the match 4 feet away from the fire and without protecting it from the wind and expects it to stay lit while she, what? throws it to the fire to get it going.  She’d have had better luch throwing the unlit match on the hot embers/leaves and taking her chances the heat or a still red hot spark would light the match.


    a ferry sinking, a bomb, a shooting, etc., and now a plane crash – What the h-E-double toothpicks else can Grey’s come up with?  Think this is the last year for the doctors too.  I don’t want Merdith operating on me if she is going to "ner" out with the thinking cap like she did with the match. 

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