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     I want to see Julie’s reaction to getting Stefan’s heart. 

    I am betting she will still be as hateful, mean, and racist towards Gabi as she has always been.


    Julie had every right to be mean to Gabi as Gabi has done horrible things. Julie can be rude and outspoken but she isn’t racist. I hope this doesn’t redeem Gabi as she helped cause Julie’s heart attack in the first place and made her condition worse by taunting her and not going for help, so giving her Stefan’s heart doesn’t make her a hero. I bet Gabi gets talked into doing it with much resistance instead of immediately wanting to do the right thing.


     why does Julie always seem to forget that her sainted nephew was an abusive jerk? It’s great to be all about family but you have to be realistic too. Julie never has been when it came to Nick.


     I totally agree. Julie definitely has a blind spot in regards to Nick. 

    Maybe if she had paid attention and confronted Nick about his behaviors things may have turned out differently. Nick could have gotten treatment at Salem’s favorite Mental hospital.


     I would love to see Julie offer to let Gabi hear Stefan’s heart beating in her chest. I have seen this where the recipent of a donor heart let a loved one listen to the heart beat in their chest.

    It would have to be done very sensatively. I doubt Days writers could pul it off

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