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    This goes back to Will’s affair with Paul. I’m not making excuses, or defending & or persecuting the affair at all. They are both complicit in it. What I’m getting at is that had it has nothing to do with complicity. What I’m getting at is what wasn’t known. Meaning how aggressive Paul was & what his actions were. He slammed Will’s waist into his own, telling him, “tell me you don’t want this”, stroking his arm, stroking his cheek. Sonny had no clue of that, did he. When Marlena had told Sonny that Will always knew that Sonny loved him, given that Will did play up to Ari: I will bring daddy back”, when Sonny was filled with remorse & guilt because he never heard that Will, himself, did he, he had to hear it from Marlena. When Sonny had heard Abs’ vows to Chad, he remembered Will to the point where he ran out crying leaving Paul at the alter. Why didn’t it happen, meaning, allowing Sonny to learn about Paul’s actions towards Will, decking him & sent him flying to a church wall & then sit down & watch Abby & Chad marry. Because I kind of doubt that if Sonny had heard about Paul’s actions towards Will, he wouldn’t have continued to marry Paul before Ben came in. SO what I’m getting at is that Paul’s actions towards Will should have been known, not who was just as complicit as he was, it wasn’t Will who did that to Paul, now did he?


    This story was several years ago. I don’t remember the details nor do i want to rehash it.


    All I’m getting at that there are others who do remember it, so my commentary & make take on it should be rehashed & to have others, besides doolfan to see what their take on it, should be.


    The only thing I can offer is that if you recall, Paul was a famous and closeted baseball player. He often was seen with beautiful women trying to cover up that he was gay. Maybe at that time he was an angry, closeted gay man and that’s how the writers wrote it. We also didn’t know Paul’s background and his connection to John Black. I think it’s just a case of writers going in a different direction with a character. I’m not really concerned about it because I really like Paul and I’d actually hate seeing a violent Sonny.


    It doesn’t matter that Paul was a famous closeted baseball player, now does it? It doesn’t matter as to who was his dating life, given as to what he was hiding. It doesn’t matter that he was angry, closeted gay man. Also, it doesn’t matter who knew or didn’t know about his connection to John Black. Look at how Sonny was when he learned the truth about Leo. He was hurt, brokenhearted. He had shown that he had fallen in love with Leo, because of how hurt was, when he learned from Will of Leo’s machinations. What I’m getting at is that Sonny needs to know the truth. That it wasn’t all Will & Will alone, even Paul believed that Will seduced him, but it wasn’t Will who acted on those actions the way that Paul did, now was he? So it has to come out that Will, never stroked Paul’s face, pelvic-bumping, stroking Paul’s arm, telling Paul: Tell me that you don’t want this, all of these actions are on Paul & Paul ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    In case you haven’t noticed, Sonny has no storyline on the show. He pops in for weddings and funerals. We haven’t see Will in ages. So your concern for two characters who really aren’t on the show, matters not.


    it doesn’t matter that we haven’t seen Will in ages. There are ongoing stories that requires Sonny, ASAP as in yesterday, to be exact. Meaning, Abigail, with her empty casket mirrors Will’s empty casket. Then the Titan without a CEO. I can’t see Xander stepping at the helm, because what better way to prevent dear old mommy Cook getting Titan out from under her son & destroying him to be exact, is by putting Sonny back at the helm of it, right? Remember, with Everett gone to the Hear-After, as it were, there’s still an opening for Will, right? Then this: With Sonny’s one-time relationship with Paul, he could get extreme help to find Abigail, i.e. Paul’s newest boytoy, Andrew Donovan & his dad, Shane Donovan. Remember, Shaughnessy played double duty as Drew Donovan & Shane Donovan. It was Chad, Leo, Sonny & Will who helped Shane to save the world from Dimitri von Leuschner, didn’t they? That would be when Paul cleans the slate as it were to relay to Sonny, that he was putting the moves on Will to get into Will’s pants back when, right?

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