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     One last time, sitting there like a shell of his former self, and not say one word. It didn’t even appear the scenes with the actors who visited him were taped in the same room! So, so sad. However, I did tear up at the dedication at the end of the show.

    The show is also a shell of its former self. Once again, I hold out hope that the newest set of writers can fix this mess.


    I was glad to see him because I didn’t think they would show him at all. On the other hand–yes, everything you said, Lynnekaren. 


    Not having Stefano (Joe) up to the task was a real disappointment. The dedication was certainly moving but the SL was mostly fast forward. But the question is why continue this his apparent escape? Please, it’s long time to end the best villain in soap history.


     Well, he sure did manage to escape right in front of all those watchful eyes??? How incompetent of all of them!


    Maybe his disease had progressed so far where he couldn’t do any lines and that made me sad.  I got misty over the dedication too.  Awesome actor, classy man in real life.  RIP sir.


     i tuned in midway during the show today bc of snow storm coverage here in NJ so I was shocked to see Anna. And more shocked when Marlena was at the cell speaking to Stefano. I was thinking those scenes were possibly from a previous storyline when Stefano was behind bars. It seemed to me that each time they showed him he was making the same movements-like a replay. I highly doubt that he was up to filming for some time before his passing on December 7. And how far in advance is taping anyway? So sad to see him, knowing he’s no longer with us but thankful for the dedication to him at the end. 


    It was sad watching Joe in that condition. It was obvious the dementia was quite advanced and he perhaps could not speak. The same happened to my mother. She could only look blankly at you and show no emotion. This was not how we wanted to remember Joe. The tribute was nice at the end, and the escape from the cell unnecessary.
    We can only say thank you to Joe for so many years of being one of the greatest daytime villains ever.
    The Phoenix will always rise in our hearts……


     knowing that Joe had already passed, but on the other hand, it was wonderful to see him on screen in those last few precious moments of his life, before his fans, in the flesh, alive although obviously not so well.  Rest in peace, Joe.  You truly are and always will be a legend in the industry, and know in your soul, as I do in mine, that they may RECAST Stefano DiMera one day, but they will NEVER REPLACE Joe Mascolo.


     I was going to post the same thing. It was heartbreaking to see Joe like that. I almost had to wonder how in the moment he really was. He didn’t say one word and I found that to be sad. I almost wish they hadn’t done that at all. I felt sorry for him.


    I thought the scene looked like something from another time Stefano was in jail.  I remember something with him being in jail and a guard gave him a cell phone, he had it under the mattress so he was just kind of sitting there waiting for somebody to leave so he could use the phone.  Looked like that scene recycled; that’s why he didn’t speak.  I can’t imagine, with bad health, that they would bring him back just to film that scene. 

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