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    I don’t want to watch that stuff (two guys, two gals, one of each, whatever) either and my FF button gets a workout.  Most of you know Ari/Nicole is my girl, but I’d rather something be left to the imagination.  She looks her best in a pair of jeans without a bunch of makeup and with her hair looking natural.  The bedroom stuff does nothing for me.



     I just tell people I gave up Catholicism for Lent and decided I was better off without it. 


     Many people who grew up in a relgion become comfortable in its "teachings" because "it has always been that way". However, as time goes by, society changes.

    When I was young, we lived in a small town, where every ethnic group had their own catholic church catering to their flock, in their native language— Italian, Polish, Slovak, German, Lithuanian, etc. We also had many Christain churches, Baptist, Methodist, Luteran, etc. We also had several synagogues. As Catholics, we were taught that we COULD not enter church from another religion.  We were also encouraged to " stick with your won kind (ethnic group and religion). 

    As I grew up, many customs gave way, as Irish and Italian married as many other ethnic groups. Next intermarriage between Protestants and Catholics– you can even get married in a Protestant  church.  

    Howeve, you still can’t get remarried in the church without an annulment. These restrictioncause many to leave the church and some to pick and choose what to follow. 

    The Catholic church is slow to catch up, but eventually begins to loosen up. However it takes the "fathful" longer!!  

    As for Gays, I guess it depends on the particular parish. I think most young people really don’t care. 

    Me, I am an older person, but my mother taught me to judge people by how they treat me!



    who, due to his accessibility and compassion for not only members of the Catholic church, but the teachings and laws of Catholicism as a religious culture in and of itself, I see more and more changes coming to light, and I must admit that I, as a divorced Catholic, welcome them. I grew up a “cradle Catholic” but over the years I slowly removed myself from the religion for many reasons, which I won’t go into now. I will say, however, that I am very pleasantly surprised at the modernizations this man, our new Pope, is willing to make to bring Catholics back to the church, including his understanding of homosexuality and his welcoming of homosexuals back into the Church. People may hate one another for all sorts of reasons, but God hates no one. I truly believe that.


      I too am very impressed with Pope Francis. I truly hope he continues to make the Catholic Church a welcoming church to all as Jesus would have done. 




    Just and Patti.

    At least Shadow did something right…. got 20+ replies on one thread HAHA.   


    and his message of tolerance, mercy and forgivemess. But I’ve not heard him refute any doctrines of the Church.  

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