Home Forums The Brady Pub I had my knee replacement

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    on August 1st. Everyone says the first 2 weeks are the hardest and I believe them. Along with the pain I’m having nausea due to the pain meds then I got an infection in the incision which sent me to the ER with an IV of antibiotics and a script to take home so that’s playing havoc with my gut. I had one day where I slept all night and felt great the next day but then it was over.

    Therapy is going good (according to the therapist) and I progressed to a can yesterday. I’m just dreading the day I’m released from home therapy where I only have to show up and I go to outpatient rehab where I have to actually get in the car and go out. I know I’m just being lazy.


    but I do have a bad left knee, and some days the pain is horrific, and Aleve has become my BFF on those days. Looks like I might have to travel your same route at some point, and it’s not something I look forward to. Feel better soon, DeeLan!


    You’ll be so glad you had it done. Good luck to you DeeLan and a speedy recovery. Stick with your PT as that is what will make the whole thing successful.


    and I can honestly say the stories I heard about the first 2 weeks being the hardest are true. At the 2 week mark I was upgraded from a walker to a cane (I have a nice blue one) and the therapist took me walking outside on Friday. We walked about a block before we turned around. I’m only taking the pain meds 3 times a day now; when I wake up, around 2-3pm and at bedtime.

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