Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board I had to laugh…

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    When Baker was going on about cleaning out Bo’s bank account.

    Where did Bo get money?  I don’t think he ever took a dime from Victor.  Hope had the trust fund (don’t know if she still does…)  It’s quite likely that if Alice had some dough, Hope would have inherited a share when Alice passed (or will, if things are still in probate or whatnot)… so for Hope it wouldn’t be about money.

    But Bo is a cop – I’ve never known police officers to make bags of money.   The Bradys are a blue-collar family, they weren’t rich, although the Pub seems to do well, but that’s Caroline’s money and I doubt she’s funneling any to Bo.

    So that whole bit was laughable at best.



    Bo’s got to make at least $200K a year, (my small town the community college dean makes that), so since Salem isn’t that small of a town…and his hours of work are very, very good!  Hope, being on the force as a dectective should make about $90k a year (and her hours are even better), even if Salem is small…since they’ve been married, lived in the same house for a number of years, they should have built up savings.  Also, Hope, even not touching the trust fund, one can get a goodly amount of income from the interest yearly…


    I always thought law enforcement jobs didn’t pay that much.

    Shows what I know.

    I guess it’s different from, "beat cop" to detective, to commissioner…

    Learn something new every day :)



    If I remember, Hope gave a HUGE amount of her money to charity, I think it had something to do with Autism.  She did it anonymously but for some reason it got out and made the papers or news and that’s what prompted Ciera’s kidnapping.  


    with mandatory overtime, benefits, retirement at 50 years of age…oh yeah, that’s why we are having a tax revolt!


    Here, in Broward County, most of the cities are small and can’t afford their own PD and are protected by the Sheriff’s Office so you’re talking about a pretty large force, certainly larger than the LAPD.  Broward is the second most populated county in FL (after Miami-Dade).  My guess is that the Sheriff would probably be equal to the Commish.

    Anyway, the Sheriff (the big honcho, they also call their plain ol’ officers "sheriffs" too) only makes $120,000.  So your guys are definitely overpaid.  But there are overtime, bonuses, etc. which can add up.  In fact, some here can make as much as $50,000/year extra in bonuses.  And WE’RE fighting that one.



    I live in a small town, 11 square miles and about 1900 people in the 2000 census.  I’ve lived here almost 2 years and we have a 2 man police force (Sheriff and Deputy) and we rarely see them out, everyone in thon calls them Andy & Barney.  I’ve never seen our mayor or know his name.  I did hear it once from the mayor of another town.  Our town hall looks like it’s a converted house and the clerk, mayor and police department are in there.  We got there once a month to pay our water bill and have never seen anyone but the clerk.

    So, no matter how small your town is you may not know or recognize the people running the town.  In my defense though we’re a very rural area, I live on the first street of a small subdivision and all around us are farms.  In fact our front door looks out onto a cotton field.

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