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    Whew!  It’s 6:30 a.m. and the wind is blowing like crazy here and all kinds of stuff blowing around and currently under a tornado watch.  We had several inches of rain yesterday and it was coming down so hard you could hardly hear over the noise it made.  My pool is overflowing and my grass area looks like a lake.  (And, my darn dogs will NOT go out in the rain so have to use wee-wee pads!)  In spite of our porous ground here, it just can’t absorb any more.  Hopefully, the wind will now dry up some of the water.

    At least we weren’t in Isaac’s direct path (I’m on the east coast of Florida).  Even though it didn’t develop into a full-blown (no pun intended) hurricane…yet…it’s still making a mess of things.  But I’m thankful we didn’t have to put up the storm shutters and go through what we did when Katrina and Wilma blew through.


    Isaac isn’t making a direct hit.  I’m praying it spares New Orleans and the others who had enough when Katrina hit.  Stay safe, Bonbon.


    and hits New Orleans, you almost have to wonder what God’s thinking.  Although he certainly must hate Haiti.


    although my pool and back yard is a real mess.  I just spent an hour trying to clean the branches and palm fronds out of the pool.

    But, I now have two pools.  One that was there before and another one where it used to be lawn!!!  Fortunately all our houses in this development have a storm drain in the back yard so it should drain off pretty soon.  I’ve seen the pool overflow before but never so much water in the yard.  Hopefully it’s past now (it’s so still out now it’s almost eerie), otherwise I’ve just wasted the past hour.


    Republican Convention is getting the short end of the stick. Doesn’t seem fair they have to cram in everything in one less day and the storm will take up more of the focus.


    Are all those speeches, etc. really necessary.  I think it’s all a bunch of posturing and rhetoric anyway.  We already know who will be nominated so maybe the storm is a GOOD thing.  :o)

    On another note, I am so tired of the negative bashing on the TV ads.  What happened to a candidate talking about themselves and what they can do for the country and why we should elect them instead of what a rat the opponent is?  I think they should outlaw using the opponents name or any mention of them on those ads, not just president but ANY political TV ad.  It’s not, "Vote for me" but rather, "Don’t vote for him."  Stupid!

    I also find it funny that the only thing they seem to find at fault about Romney is that he is anti-abortion.  That is such a small part about running our country so why are they pounding him on that and nothing else?  If that’s the only thing they can find wrong with him, I guess he’ll make a great candidate.

    I’m tempted to not even vote this year because I don’t feel there is anybody running I feel is really qualified to be president.  So sad.  I miss the days when you could really get behind your candidate and sincerely hope he wins.

    Sorry for the rant.


    about either candidate. Romney for me is missing the boat by failing to capitalize on Obama’s less than glowing record/policies. I predict our sitting Prez will be in for another term. I will be shocked if that doesn’t happen.


    I can’t understand why ANYONE would re-elect Obama when he has done nothing but make empty promises and continually put us deeper in debt…things I don’t think can be argued.  I feel he talks a good talk but cannot walk a good walk.

    But, just to go on record, I am so extremely against socialism and I see that’s the way this country is moving.  If it continues, I’m afraid "The American Dream" will become a thing of the past and more and more will want to sit on their butts and let the government provide for them.  The 1% cannot continue to support these do-nothings (AND illegal aliens) forever.  I do NOT believe everyone is "entitled" to all the things the socialists seem to think they are.

    Sorry, I shouldn’t get started on this stuff.


     Bonbon, I agree 100 percent with everything you said.  And you do not have to apologize for voicing your political opinions.  This is an off topic board after all.  I am disgusted that the Dems are using women’s issues as their main platform.  Abortion, birth control.  I am not choosing my president  based on these issues.  And I am a woman.  Since the administration has not really done anything, I guess they have to try to focus on something else.


    let’s see how you feel when they take away your medicare and social security.  I’m so sick of right-wingnuts in Washington, D.C. and everywhere else for that matter.  And, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let’s not turn this into a political comments board.  There are plenty of them out there that people can go to to express their views.  I hate to see these obnoxious debates on my soap opera message board.  Besides, I thought the topic of this post was Hurricane Isaac!!!!

    Why doesn’t someone open a special topic on politics …. what’s wrong with that?  Then I don’t have to waste my time opening and reading posts that will undoubtedly piss more people off than have them enjoy it.


    merely perpetuates it.



    it should have it’s own "new topic" and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying that.

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