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    I’m sure they will have to incorporated it into the script.  Now I’m really curious.

    Remember when Melissa Reeves cut her hair on camera?  Boy, was I shocked.  I don’t remember her reasoning now but it was rather short…for her anyway.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her that short again.

    And if Sami, (Ali) ever cuts hers short, she ought to be shot.  She has the most beautiful hair and it doesn’t seem to matter what the hairdressers do to it, it almost always looks gorgeous…the color, the cut, the style, everything.

    Now, let’s talk about Kate’s.  On second thought…


    EJ still looks HOT!…Maybe, if his hair cut is due to a SL, it will be him JOINING the army (just like Philip did years back)?!


    I just find it weird to see him in something other than a suit and tie.lol


    Maybe Johnny comes home from preschool with head lice and EJ picks it up prompting the cut



     about how the actors feel about the firing of Lindsay Hartley (Arianna).  The quotes were from a Days fan event in South Carolina, and would appear to have been right after James’ new haircut was revealed.  The one that interested me the most was Eric Martsolf’s statement about why soap characters where here today, gone tomorrow.  He said something to the effect that if they decide to write the character out, they can do something as simple as ship him/her off to Switzerland to have "brain surgery."  Now, I’m not taking that as a spoiler as to how/why James got this haircut, but it definitely put a "hmmmmm….I wonder" thought in my mind.  Is E.J. going to have to have brain surgery for some reason or another and be off-canvas for a while?  Just thought that was an interesting analogy.  You can check it out on Soaps.com, click on News and scroll down to the first article about cast comments.  Here’s an excerpt from that article:

    "When asked about a future with Arianna years from now, Eric said, "Well, we don’t know the context in which she is leaving yet. Soaps can get rid of characters in many different ways. They can send them to Switzerland for a brain surgery or many different things. [Reporter’s note: Was that some kind of teaser to EJ’s shaved head? Who knows at this point!] Those are doors that haven’t been opened yet. We will just have to wait and see!"

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