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  • #6571

     Oh dear Lord, would somebody please send this character off for a much-needed meditation retreat at a monastery in oh say Nepal, for about a year or so. 

    Why have the writers made this character into such a nudge? In days gone by Jennifer NEVER would have even ever talked to Aiden again never mind want to use him as her lawyer. A point for him for refusing her. If nothing else Jennifer was fiercely loyal and now in her new  twisted persona she has become a shrew, harpy, *itch who wants to work with the man who tried to kill her "cuz". REALLY? 

    If I never had to listen to her self-rightous drivel again I would be a happy woman. She has barely given Chad time to get used to the fact that his wife is a few eggs short of a dozen and now she wants to make herself feel better by taking his child away from him. Your daughter went loony toons and it wasn’t Chad’s fault. She fell for a creep and that was on her and nobody else. The fact that he kidnapped her and tried to kill her and Chad was on her, nobody else. Come to grips with it…try remembering your baby girl’s false accusations against Austin and her fling with EJ. She was no saint ok? There were signs of mental turmoil for quite a while and mommy-dearest you missed  it. At least Hope called her out on it and made her admit she was punishing Chad becasue Abby ran away, an accusation I never understood. She ran because she felt she was turning into her grandmother. Again, NOT Chad’s fault. 

    OK…deep breath…rant finito. 


    your rant:)


    I barely recognize Jennifer Rose (Jennifer “Rage”) these days. I could see if the show directly linked this behavior to addiction – now that would be interesting to see her still taking the pills, stealing and even going downhill to the streets. How cool would that be! But instead we have to listen to that deliberate, pounding cadence she gets into that I have never liked. And to go after custody – where is the evidence Thomas is being harmed??


     And let’s not forget that Hope promised ghost Stefano that she would watch out for Chad.  This is going to cause quite the rift between the cousins.  They have completely ruined Jennifer.  I hate her almost as much as Theresa.


    I can’t stand her. I’m not understanding where she thinks she actually has the right to full custody of Thomas. Chad loves his son, has not hurt his son, and has the financial means to take care of his son. Where is the endangerment? She is also unforgiving or sympathetic, not sure which. Does she not understand that Chad should have the right to grieve for Abby and she needs to quit forcing herself and her opinions on him. Why isn’t she concerned more about Abby than about getting custody of Thomas. 

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