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  • #5348

     So it’s official, Jennifer is the biggest idiot in Salem.  Why on earth is she going on and on to Daniel about Eve?  How the hell is he supposed to know about the lawsuit?  Is she really that self involved?  She is really being ruined by the writers.  I no longer care about her character.  The only person in her family that interests me at all at this point is JJ and that’s just sad.


    She is playing right into Eve’s hand by making these scenes w/Daniel. These two simply can not communicate – never have. Why we viewers even had to go through their “relationship” was just torture.
    I do like that Jennifer is not hanging back on the lawsuit but Eve is working her like candy from a baby and she’s probably even going to lure JJ to her side and snag Doc Dan – for a bit at least.


    I wanted to slap the dickens out of her today. Just shut your big mouth girl.
    Although why Dan would think Jen would still be willing to confide in him when he dumped her is beyond me.


    She was so ridiculous today, even more than usual, that I would hope Daniel stands his ground and keeps that door closed for now. This woman needs to learn a life’s lesson here. I can see why Daniel berated her today, and I’m proud of him, even though it may have hurt him. She went off on him like he was supposed to know what in the hell she was talking about. Just because he knew, and just recently, that she was Theresa’s sister, Jennifer AGAIN used the same technique she used to drive him away in the first place….that he doesn’t have good judgment. Well guess what, Jen. He sure as hell has your number now. I must admit, I’m glad he put Eve in her place while he was at it. Kind of like he killed two peacocks with one stone, and afterward he runs into Nicole who still insists they should be BFF’s. Bad day for the women in your life, Dr. Dan. Wait…maybe you don’t have good judgment after-all. LOL!


    Not good judgment at all and after he found out that Eve was probably using him he should have taken a step back and asked himself if Jen had some foundation for her opinion of him. Sucked in by a few pretty words and some good-natured adoration of his son’s pictures, LOL. And then he blew Nicole off and pretty much told her she had used him and he fell for it. So think about it Dan, maybe you have the problem, not Jen. She may be, just may be, right about you?

    And I think Jen is just in panic mode (OMG am I sounding like I am defending her?) and behaving irrationally, even more so than usual. Ranting and raving without thinking which is pretty much Jen’s MO lately. And why did she tell JJ that “WE are going to court”. It is not his fight it is hers. So leave your kids out of it and handle it on your own, Jen.


     I agree about Jenn ……no, make that all the adult’s on the show…..if they are still considered to be adults……..I wonder how old the writer’s are ?

    Jmho, what has Jenn been wearing ?  That ‘thing’ yesterday looked more like a beach umbrella, than well, whatever it was ??  jmo !


     It was the circus tent for the 4th, now it’s a beach umbrella. Any guesses what her next outfit will be from.

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