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    looks like they will try a procedure to save the eye and Carly will be the hero.


    writers don’t know what to do with her again, perhaps they will put Daniel and her back together and they can straighten up their daughter’s life.


    show, I’m wondering if there will be two eyes transplanted for little Johnny. 




     I think they’re handling it very carefully, realizing how much the fans love these little guys who play Johnny.  I haven’t seen, read or heard anything about an eye transplant, but it wouldn’t be beyond belief for Stefano to DEMAND it, knowing that Dr. Ben Walters is in on the scheme.  But it definitely would be a difficult lump to swallow if that’s the way they’re going with it.  I’m hoping that from yesterday’s show that they save Johnny’s good eye, sight intact, and in due course he gets a prosthetic eye that will look and move like a real one (which, undoubtedly, will be his real one), and Carly and Daniel will realize just how good they are together through it all and begin to heal themselves.  Sorry for those who want it, but I think Daniel and Chloe are done, and Daniel and Carly are the future.


    It broke my heart yesterday when Nicole told him she was going to make him the biggest, messiest sundae ever when he gets better.  "Then Johnny said "even if I can’t see it"  I love Nicole’s comeback.  "You don’t need to see it, just taste it"


     I totally lost it today a few times,  esp at the end when they wheeled him off.  bravo by everyone!  


    I loved how Sami held it together for her son.  I also loved it when she stopped Will and EJ from fighting.


    It seems as though Sami is the only one even TRYING to hold it together. She is the one doing the talking, explaining to Johnny while EJ just stands in the background looking, well, I don’t know what. His eyes are cast down and his mouth is taut. He is useless in this situation and I hope he realizes he cannot be an effective parent if he caves in every adverse situation.


    I thought of Matt Ashford. It certainly would have helped to have his perspective as a parent, but I am happy to see all involved in the story doing a great job. I thought for sure TPTB would butcher this storyline like they did Caroline’s stroke, Kate’s cancer and EJ’s gunshot to the head–all of which had miraculous, almost overnight recoveries.


    To trykerder….I’m not taking up for EJ because I would NEVER do that, but it seems like in the real world the mother is always the strong one when it comes to sick kids…daddys just seem to fall apart…..JMHO..


     that Johnny would be needing some chemo and radiation.  That was one thing I thought the writers overlooked mentioning with the first surgery.



    You’re right. In fact, my DH doesn’t understand why the docs always spoke to me and not to him. Even the vets, when the dogs were in for procedures, spoke to me.

    But, in this case, EJ is the guy who has to be in control, is the "only parent Johnny needs." In the face of adversity, he becomes a useless lump of protoplasm, mad at the world.



     It is part of a man’s nature to be in control and to be able to fix any problem. In my opinion, men feel helpless when faced with a crisis in which they have no control. They are suppose to be strong and not show emotion, and yet all they can do is watch and wait.  They feel helpless and useless and it is frustrating for them. Women will keep it together especially if there is a child involved. I am great during a crisis, but am emotionally drained once it is over.


    Right.  Women are the nurturers and they take care of the emotional needs. Men are the providers & protectors and they take care of the physical needs.  When they can’t take control of a situation or fix it they don’t know what to do and usually retreat. 

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