So another situation where someone holds a "crime" of someone elses head – zzz…..
Seriously – does anyone on the writing team know the law?!? So Jordan stole money and "kidnapped" Ben when he was a kid. Really – if their situation was as DIRE as they are making it out to be wouldn’t their be witnesses? Wouldn’t someone else see them being abused (albeit physically or emotionally.) That would be more than enough reason to justify what they did. Plus how old is this "crime?" Isn’t there a statute of limitations here?!?
I’m sorry, I love James and I think he’ll do great in this role but…. I just don’t care enough about Jordan or Ben for me to be invested. I also am not interested in seeing Jordan push Rafe away to "protect him from the truth." Zzzz……. BORING!!!
Maybe if they did this a bit sooner but by this point – I am just bored of it.