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- This topic has 20 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by
July 5, 2011 at 5:38 pm #2170
ParticipantI heard on the news from one of the talking heads – that IF her attorney’s are standing very close to her, the verdict is bad…if they are standing a little a part from her, it means she’s walking on a lesser charge…take it with a grain of salt…
July 5, 2011 at 6:58 pm #24964Patti
Participantand guilty on the remaining 4 charges of lying to the police. Talk to me about justice and I’ll scream BULLSHIT louder than anyone could bear to hear. If that’s not a complete miscarriage of justice, then I simply don’t know what kind of world we live in, but may God have mercy on the souls of that jury. And I thought O.J. was a bad verdict. Go figure.
July 5, 2011 at 7:17 pm #24965Goody
ParticipantUnbelievable!! NOT Guilty!! she got away with killing little Caylee. I just don’t understand how the jury could hear the same testimonies as I did, and then they let her go. Where is the justice??
July 5, 2011 at 8:45 pm #2496753tdogs
Participantvery sad. No justice at all for that sweet little girl.
July 5, 2011 at 9:31 pm #24968luckey
Participantup with be sequestered so long and just wanted it over with. I would love to know what the first vote was when they first got into the jury room to deliberate. Now Caycee can get a book deal and a movie deal and be able to do exactly what she wanted to do all along….be free to party. Now she’ll have unlimited funds to do just that. My heart aches for little Kaylee.
July 5, 2011 at 10:17 pm #24970kprstrs
ParticipantThe prosecuters botched this from the beginning, same as with OJ. They did NOT PROVE that she killed Caylee! We all believe we know the truth, but I guess only God knows and he will dole out that punishment when it is time to do so. She can hide facts here on earth, but GOD knows!!!
July 6, 2011 at 1:37 pm #24974MK
ParticipantI’m with you, Patti. It sickens me that she got away with murder. It took her ONE MONTH to report her child as missing; one whole month. And she was out partying all the while. Was that not a red flag to the jury? And all the lying she did to her family and police? And the traces of chloroform in her car? And there must have been some other evidence that I don’t know about as I didn’t follow the case closely. I know that being on a jury you have to follow exact instructions/guidelines so I’m betting that at least some of the jury did not think she is innocent but had no choice but to acquit her for the prosecution not proving beyond a reasonable doubt. Being acquitted though does not equate innocence.
Now she will make millions on book deals, etc. Makes me want to puke.
July 6, 2011 at 1:46 pm #24975luckey
ParticipantI really don’t think the prosecution botched it at all. There was very serious circumstantial evidence that really did point to Caycee in every way. However, there was still no "smoking gun", so that left reasonable doubt. It’s very interesting that the majority of the viewing public think she is guilty. I think that the 12 jurors who also are regular, everyday people just like us would have said the same thing if they had not been sitting in those chairs in that courtroom. However, put them in those chairs where they are under the microscope to decide the rest of Caycee’s life and it becomes a very different mindset. I still would love to know the results of the first vote when they entered the deliberation room. It would be interesting to know how many jurors had to be convinced to change their mind to not guilty.
July 6, 2011 at 3:47 pm #2497653tdogs
Participantin general population…
July 6, 2011 at 3:47 pm #2497753tdogs
Participantin general population…
July 6, 2011 at 4:34 pm #24978Patti
Participantat some point during the rest of her mother’s miserable life. The best thing I can even hope to realize now is that this selfish young woman will have to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder 24/7, no matter where she goes, day or night, anywhere in this country and far, far beyond it, because someone, somewhere, with a conscience even lower than her own, will seek her out, just like they did to O.J. The reaction of the people outside that courtroom alone showed me this cold-blooded, heartless thrill-seeker may have gotten away with murdering her beautiful baby girl, but now she will spend the rest of her time on earth with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It may even drive her insane. Would I care? Absolutely not, because I truly believe that if she did NOT kill this child herself, she certainly knows who did. Maybe this dumb-ass prosecution team should have looked more closely at a conspiracy angle or at her having knowledge that the baby was murdered and covered it up. Who doesn’t report their 2-year old missing baby for 31 days, and then tells lie, after lie, after lie, from accusing a made-up nanny that she insisted she left Caylee with, to partying into the night with repulsive people much like herself, and not giving her innocent child, who no one will ever convince me she did not know was already dead, even a second thought. I also thought it was despicable to note that the most emotion she showed throughout the entire trial, even after grotesque photos were shown to the jury of this little angel’s corpse with the duct tape still wrapped around her skull, was when the not guilty verdicts were read. Those weren’t tears of relief; they were tears of surfacing guilt.
July 6, 2011 at 5:01 pm #24979MK
ParticipantSo we are supposed to believe there is no murderer of Caylee. From what I’ve heard, the defense said that Caylee drowned in the family pool. And Casey covered it up by dumping her child’s body somewhere. I can’t believe they used that as the defense. Wouldn’t the cover up itself be a crime? Not reporting it right away? Getting rid of the body? I don’t believe that story one bit, but even if it was an accident, she covered it up by not telling anybody, lying about Caylee’s whereabouts, and getting rid of her own daughter’s body on which they found duct tape. And even if her daughter did drown, what mother would go out partying every night right after it happened? I am so disgusted. It’s so hard to look at pictures of that sweet little girl whose life was mercilessly cut way too short.
July 6, 2011 at 8:19 pm #24980Patti
Participantin the family pool, and her mother decided to cover it up by dumping her body somewhere else, why would there have been a need to chloroform the child and duct-tape her mouth if she were already dead?????
July 6, 2011 at 8:48 pm #2498153tdogs
Participantretired cop, why would he help with the cover up of the little girls death if it was an accident???? If Casey didn’t do it and if she was victim of sexual child abuse comes into the picture like the defense alluded to…Say it would be the father, maybe he was trying to molest little girl out by the pool (of which I doubt)…and Caylee started screaming, then he may have shut her up and made Casey go along with the coverup.
Some one in that family did it…this little girl didn’t cover her own mouth with duct tape and walk herself into the woods and jump into three seperate garbage bags and chloroform herself…if she died accidentally by drowning or Caylee was murdered with intent…I don’t have kids but if I did and one of them went missing for over 30 seconds, let alone over 30 days, I’d have sold my soul to satan to get them back, not party hardy and get a tattoo…
And I now hear on the news that Casey is getting a multi-million for just one interview on t.v., not to mention the book deal and movie deal…Casey was tooooooooo smiley face when the jury was out of the room, (news showed both sets of pictures – side by side).
July 6, 2011 at 10:08 pm #24984casey
Participantand no evidence to conclusively link Casey to the homicide, doubt came into this. I’m sure the jurors must have believed she’s the guilty party, but not a slam dunk so they let her off. My problem is how they reached a verdict so quickly with so much to go over.
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