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    Could Abby be the killer?  She’s so intent on clearing Chad and she doesn’t even seem to care about Serena or Paige. When Paige was brought up today, she barely mentioned that Paige and Serena were her friends.  She’s had such an odd reaction to everything, but can’t figure out her motive if she is the killer.  It could be tied to Laura’s mental illness.

    I was also consdering Caroline for a few minutes last week when she had her episode where she saw Shawn. Can’t imagine she’s strong enough to strangle those women, though. Love that the show is keeping me guessing!


    But I think the writers are putting so much on Ab’s plate with who’s the daddy and the triangle I can’t believe they’d tack on this. I would hate to think being a serial killer would be the result of a mental illness like Laura’s. Now something that involved a traumatic link like say Eric has gone through pushing him to the edge would be more plausible.
    But hey, if Days is going for true shock then Abby would be a suspect.
    Caroline – trying to picture that one LOL!


     to handle Paige, but I can’t see her overpowering Serena.  I also don’t think she would even consider taking a chance on risking her pregnancy.  Although, admittedly, Serena was pretty drunk.  Still, I would have a hard time believing it could be Abby.  JMO!


     I’m still leaning towards Ben or Clyde. Clyde just seems too obvious for me. Until I see something different, I’m putting my bets on Ben, he has lots to gain if Chad ends up in jail.


    and Clyde is setting up Chad then would Clyde know his son is the killer?


     Ben is so obsessed with Abigail, this is true; however, he doesn’t have the slightest inclination about Clyde’s true intentions.  He is trying every way he can to convince Abbey that Chad is the killer, that he is dangerous, that she needs to stay clear of him, but they are all because he is insanely jealous of Chad and knows in his heart that Abbey still has feelings for Chad.  But, as far as I can determine, he has no idea whatsoever what his father is doing in Salem or that he is the new Salem drug king.  He really does not see Clyde’s Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde personality.  I think he honestly believes Clyde is trying to make up for all the years he was abusive to his children, and has totally convinced Ben that Clyde has nothing but good intentions for him.  Too bad he wasn’t around to hear Clyde refer to Abigail as "that rotten little whore" when he was leaving Marlena’s office not so long ago.


     I think we need to go way back to when he first came on the show.  He was given that streak of bad temper and violence that he felt came from his father.  I can’t help but think the writers were already beginning their build-up to him finally killing someone so I would not be one bit surprised if it turned out to be him.

    As far as shock value in learning the true identy, that has pretty much been blown out of the water now because we have speculated practically everyone in town, no matter how ludicrous they may be.  Caroline?!?!  About the only one that’s been left out as a potential suspect is Harold!  



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