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    Her new hair extentions look H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E ! ! !

    She looks like an old lady trying to look like a 20-something.  It was bad enough with the blue streak but the extentions are just not for her.  UGH!


    the extensions but that awful color. Her hair looks flat and dull.


     I am surprised nobody mentioned those lime green tights she had on at the pub!  Not only did they not go with her outfit, but she is too old to pull that off.



    I gasped out loud when I saw those!  My 12-year-old niece wouldn’t even wear those!!!  UGH.


     Remind me of witches! How appropriate.


    but lately, she’s been a mess.  She looks somebody left a box of Crayolas too close to the fire.


    an identity crises?  The blue streak with brown hair she has been wearing looks just horrible.

    If she loves streaks and funkiness so much, maybe she should try dark chestnut brown with streaks of blond.  Or, dye it blonde and wear her beloved blue streak, lol.  Now, that would be funky.  Of course she would look like a street walker, because I don’t think she would look good with blonde hair.  I have seen blonde with pink streaks around lately.

    I missed the show where Kate wore the hideous outfit, but I bet I most surely would have gagged from laughing.  I really shake my head at some of the ugly fashions that are out there these days.

         >>> – – >>> @


    I am losing the color on my TV, but I guess it is a blessing where Kate’s hair color is concerned…..lol



     When I replied about the tights, I hadn’t watched the show yet. First of all, the tights were worse than I thought. They didn’t even go with the outfit. I didn’t see any green that matched in that ugly carpet she was wearing. Second of all, what the hell happened to her hair? The extensions are ugly, and it looked like she rolled out of bed and didn’t run a brush or comb through that head of hers. She was one hot mess on Thursday’s show. I hope after the Olympics she has consulted a stylist and gotten help.


    but come on – she is  my age – only in tinsel-town do women look like that with some of the stuff Kate, the character, wears.  Whether you are younger or older you should always go with "C-L-A-S-S"; not the latest fashion or chase after the 14 year old children’s styles.   It is not becoming to a lady….oh, wait, I forgot Kate is no lady.  LOL!


    and is acting the rebel.  Maybe she LIKES to look that way and does it just to say what the viewers have to say about her.  You know what they say, negative attention is better than NO attention!


     I didn’t like the tights but I don’t think she’s "too old" for anything if she can pull it off.  She’s pretty enough to rock the funky styles.  Why must women over 30 be relegated to long skirts and pant suits?  Boring!  I like the blue streak.  I’m 43 and have some purple streaks so I guess I can relate to Kate


    you can pull it off.  I once had a 6" round highlighted spot in the front part of my hair when the rest was brown so I KNOW funky! :o)

    But Kate appears to be a sophisticated "lady" (and I use that word loosly) and business woman, but so much of the stuff she wears just doesn’t work on her.  And I certainly wouldn’t call it couture.  Remember Caliope?  She could have pulled that kind of stuff off.  Kate just ends up looking ridiculous–as you can see from our posts. 

    I hadn’t seen the lime tights when I  last posted so when I finally watched the show last night I almost lost my cookies (BTW, a new recipe I just made up, chocolate chip with caramel crunches and walnuts in them…yum!).  I can’t for the life of me figure out why she picked that color.  And it’s July for Pete’s sake.  Why would she be wearing opaque hose at all in July?  She should have added fushia fingerless gloves to the outfit. <extreme sarcasm>


     Long skirts and pantsuits? I’m 49 and no one can guess my age. I don’t wear pantsuits and only long skirts when I’m feeling a little hippy, dippy, trippy as I call it. She wasn’t wearing anything anyone woul wear. My 14 yr old found it hideous and I don’t think any of the younger women on here would consider those outfits. She wear so much layered crap, it looks cheap and distracting. Honestly, isn’t it summer in Salem? She was dress like it was November. Put her in something light weight and in summer colors. She looked like an old handbag my grandmother would have carried.


    I always find it hilarious that Kate has a make up and clothing co, and had hearth and home, yet you look at Kate, I sure wouldn’t go to her for style advise!!! I def do not like the longer extensions either. Really pronounced blue streak, you all know how I feel about that. Lol

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