Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Kind of Disappointed in Eric/Nicole Confrontation

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    After such buildup to this, I expected more riveting dialog. It was all pretty expected, no surprise and I didn’t feel a whole lot of emotion. Maybe Eric got it all out with Jennifer which we didn’t see!


     I kept hoping for something explosive or even something that would make me feel sad for either Eric or Nicole. I felt nothing except I’m glad it’s done.


    I see faults with both of them, but more for Eric than for Nicole. GV can bring the tears to his eyes with the best of the females on the show, although I did not feel like crying for either one of them. All I felt was relief that finally this storyline is nearing its end. All that’s left is to watch Nicole go ballistic on Dan and Jen, which, of course, we know she will. Kind of had it with that, too. What does she expect…..a pat on the back and congrats on a lie well hidden???? Sorry, not from me.


    Nicole was left crying, all I could do was shrug. It reminded me of the Seinfeld episode when George’s fiancĂ© died and his friends said “well, that’s a shame”, and they all walked out of the hospital together.

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