Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Lovelorn Taylor

  • This topic has 6 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by MK.
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    I can’t take this love at first sight storyline seriously. But if Taylor is any kind of caring sister she should leave town and let EJ and Nicole have a go at marriage.
    But not on this show – another triangle!


    Seems like every week there’s something ~ somebody somewhere is getting involved with someone else!    Keep your pants and panties on Salemites!


    town and never be missed as far as I am concerned.  So far she has added nothing at all to the story line. Goodbye Taylor.



    They have run "the meeting" absolutely deep into the ground.  ENOUGH already!

    I can’t believe anybody could become so deeply attracted as Taylor (and EJ to a lesser extent) without ever having any kind of contact with the other person at all.  Feh!


     Who meets someone, a complete stranger, and fixates on them for all of two days, claiming to have "true" feelings for this person, other than, of course, a deeply disturbed, lonely, possibly abused individual looking for a way out through writing about it?  Honest to God, I have never been so insulted in my entire adult life with what they expect of us with this story line?  Do these people, and they know damn well who they are, expect to keep audiences with this type of writing?  If they do, they’re more delusional than I thought.  Not only is it unconscionable, it’s downright laughable and makes people just want to leave, since no one at the top refuses to MAKE IT STOP.


    what’s with all the anti-taylor rhetoric? i haven’t been watching much of DOOL the last month or so, but the little I’ve watched (like the time when Taylor showed up at the DiMera crib with the police, and the Nicole-EJ wedding), I absolutely think she’s perfect for EJ! It’s about time that EJ truly falls in love, instead of in lust/obsession *coughs* (SAMI). I don’t feel sorry for Nicole at all. Besides, shouldn’t she be drooling over Brady?


      I’ve never seen a more breathless individual than Taylor!  With every sentence, she needs to noisily inhale as if she desperately needs oxygen.  It’s because she’s so in love with EJ whom she doesn’t really know at all.  Just tell him you love him and be done with all the breathless love inhalations!  Such a ridiculous storyline.



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