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     Maggie got in some good jabs today! 


    I just watched it where she said…….


    "BITE ME"!!!!! And slammed the door in her face!  LOL! 

    I had to laugh out loud on that one!


    I’m so glad Mags isn’t letting Viv get into her head. Sounds like she’s taking a page from Julie’s book!


    take a "bite" out of Vivian!  But then Maggie would have ended up in the hospital with rabies…


    Maggie has never been known to take any crap, and it’s nice to see they haven’t changed her in that regard.  Vivian got it with both barrels yesterday, twice … first from Hope, then from Maggie, and deservedly so.  Your idle threats just are not working, Viv.   So, what does this mean storyline-wise.  Is Vivian just going to take it lying down (or sitting up in a canoe)?  I don’t think so.  She’s taking it out on the wrong person, though.  Maggie was so right when she told Vivian, "don’t tell me…tell Victor."  Well, seems to me Viv’s tried and failed miserably to make Victor understand how she feels about his open admiration for Maggie, but to no avail.  Victor has been extremely rude, crude and lascivious toward Viv, but she knew what she was getting into when she married Victor in that it was a "business" marriage and/or a marriage of convenience, and nothing more to him.  Although I do remember him telling her when she did offer to leave that he had come to care for her, and that she should stay, so he’s contradicting hisself now and being extremely cruel to her now; however, for better or for worse, she is his wife and maybe he should tone it down a little before the tried and true Vivian Alamain, the queen of scheme, emerges … and Victor more than anyone should know what she is capable of.  That being said, another thing comes to mind regarding dialogue.  Maggie saying to Vivian, ‘BECAUSE HE’S MY FRIEND AND THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS DO."  Uhhhh, since when Mags?  You never thought of Victor as your ‘friend’ (as a matter of fact, I’d go so far as to say you hated him), up until he started showing you a little more than just friendship.  Now, suddenly, facing both Vivian’s and Caroline’s criticism of your ‘relationship’ with Victor, he’s become your new BFF?????? Ooookaaaaayyyyy!!!  (LOL)


     Although I do remember him telling her when she did offer to leave that he had come to care for her, and that she should stay, so he’s contradicting hisself now

    I think he only said that to make her stay so he could keep an eye on her every move and prevent her from doing something that will make Bo follow through on his threat.



    Maggie got line of the day that day for sure.

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