Chad, Everett, Leo & Xander are going to take the blame for the blazing fire that badly damages Doug & Julie’s home PERIOD! The reason is because Everett is going to write the whole story & including everything that Chad wants cut out. Ava & Stefan would also take the rap as well, because of their achilles’ heel that Clyde threatens them with, i.e. Gabi & Tripp. Also because of the fact that it puts Stephanie in the line of fire by hiring her to do P.R. for the Bistro. Clyde would take it out on her as well, because her ex writes up the full story damaging the Bistro’s cliental. Right? But think of this as well, with the massive backlash over eradicating The Horton Family out of this show, including Lucas as well, given the character of Marin maybe taking Lucas out. Can you really see the memorial for Doug taking place in a home that has no Horton history at all because of the fire & they think that it’s a wise move for the fire?