With Orph’s pathogen affecting everyone who’s everyone in Salem, is this the way that Reckell’s Bo comes into play, where he using his “heavenly” powers reverses the deaths of everyone?
They did that on Passions, where Vincent & his partner-in-crime killed off the entire town of Harmony at the rehearsal dinner & Tabitha used her powers for good by saving everyone.
Think about it: Remember, they did this storyline once before when Paul’s grandfather, John’s dad resurfaced & he caused a virus epidemic at the hospital, is it so wise to play that up again given the backlash in which the writers were forced to bring Will back to life.
It’s also what TPTB behind Dynasty had done when Esther Shapiro had the entire cast of characters killed off in a wedding massacre & look at what that writing did to show, the network wanted Esther Shapiro to apologize to the entire nation for that story, does Days really want that to happen here?