Home Forums The Annex Board May Sweeps Update: May 10 Scene-By-Scene & more!

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  • #3182

    ISA Office (Shane, Billie, Hope, Bo)

    Who is Billie on the phone with?…EJ

    Sami’s Apartment (Sami, Shirtless male: EJ)

    What is Sami dressed in: Robe

    New Safe House (Roman, Marlena, Nicole, Carrie, Will, Brady, Bo, Lucas, Sami, John, Gabi, Austin, Rafe, Hope)

    Not blindfolded: Roman, Bo, Marlena, John, Carrie, Rafe, Hope

    Blindfolded: Nicole, Will, Brady, Lucas, Sami, Gabi, Austin

    When does the Salem gang get blindfolded…May 10.

    Airdate: Thursday, May 10, 2012


    T-A: Pub Exterior (Lucas, Sami)

    T-B: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Shane)

    T-C: Pub (Brady, Madison, Nicole, Kayla, Doug, Julie, Billie, Daniel, Austin)

    T-D: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Shane)

    1-A: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie)

    1-B: Pub & Exterior (Brady, Madison, Nicole, Kayla, Doug, Julie, Billie, Daniel, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Will, Gabi)

    2-A: Pub (Brady, Madison, Nicole, Kayla, Doug, Julie, Billie, Daniel, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Will, Gabi)

    2-B: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie)

    2-C: Pub (Brady, Nicole, Kayla, Doug, Julie, Billie, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Will, Gabi, Roman)

    3-A: Horton Town Square/Private Area (Shane, Agent Harmon)

    3-B: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Brady, Austin, Gabi, Will, Nicole)

    3-C: Pub (Kayla, Doug, Julie)

    3-D: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Brady, Austin, Gabi, Will, Nicole)

    4-A: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Brady, Austin, Gabi, Will, Nicole)

    4-B: Horton Town Square/Private Area (Shane, Agent Harmon)

    4-C: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Brady, Austin, Gabi, Will, Nicole)

    5-A: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Brady, Austin, Gabi, Will, Nicole)

    5-B: Pub (Kayla, Doug, Julie, Madison)

    5-C: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Sami, Lucas, Brady, Austin, Gabi, Will, Nicole)

    5-D: Horton Town Square (Shane, Billie, Daniel, Xs)


    6-A: Horton Town Square (Billie, Daniel, Xs)

    6-B: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie)

    6-C: Horton Town Square (Brady, Madison Xs)

    6-D: Pub (Kayla, Doug, Julie, Sami, Lucas, Austin)

    6-E: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie)


    7-A: Coffee House (Gabi, Will, Xs)

    7-B: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie)

    7-C: Pub (Kayla, Doug, Julie, Sami, Lucas, Austin)

    7-D: New Safe House (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Rafe, Carrie, Roman, Shane)





     Understand what this all means? It’s like reading code lol.


    is that Rafe and Carrie keep appearing at same location. Uggg.




     The safe house isn’t really safe as Stefano and his evil ISA agent have it rigged to explode with John/Marlena/Rafe/Carrie/Bo/Hope inside.  Shane and Roman work to save them.  But, no one knows about the rogue agent for the ISA.



    a Safe House was supposed to be secret!  From the way it reads everyone in Salem just comes and goes!!!  I thought it was just Marlena, John, Hope and Bo.


    I even thought that same thing yesterday when Carrie and Rafe had been included all of a sudden. Now, reading this scene-by-scene, practically everyone in Salem DOES visit the safe house at one time or another. What kind of safe house is this?


    Good grief, if they can’t even trust the ISA guy to keep it secret…


    some are allowed in…..some are brought in blindfolded so they don’t know where it is….  Don’t know much more about it than that, but this may be where we lose the next set of cast cuts.  JMO!


    the writers thought this one through!!!!  Remember when Sami was in the safe house, I think Roman was the only one that knew where she was.  This is crazy.  Should be called party house!!



    they are trying to cram Rafe and Carrie down our throats when the truth is they have ZERO chemistry!! its to forced and too quick!!  Carrie changes her mind about who she loves like Days changes writers!!


    Carrie was never my favorite. Now I can’t stand her and cringe when she’s on! I can’t wait for when she leaves, does anyone know when her last date is? Not soon enough for me!


    somewhere around the last week in April, so that would put her on screen until mid-to-late July (Ugh).  Too bad she doesn’t blow up with the safehouse.

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