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     Sorry, but Melanie is acting like she just had open heart surgery. I know that she lost her child but she was still in the first trimester so it was early. Jennifer was up and around in one day after her heart surgery. They make Melanie out to be so fragile, it really gets me mad.


    five of them, (well, two were ectopic) and all in first trimester, the way they are writing Melanie’s physical trauma from this is darn right insulting – granted we are all unique in our phyical bodies, but come on…if she is having physical complications, her mommy and daddy are physicians and they should insist on her having a thorough physical and rule out what is still giving her any kind of symptom at this stage of the game.  Oh that’s right, she’s already been there done that and was run to the hospital by way of Nathan’s private carry ambulance…(said TiC here).


    one at seven months.  Well, he was born live but died an hour later.  I got up right after and walked with no pain.  Heck, the only pain you really have after actual child birth is from the espitiotomy, it’s more fatigue than pain.

    On the other hand, Jennifer running around like she was really made me roll my eyes.  For at LEAST a week after my heart surgery, I was walking bent over and very gingerly.  That was pretty much the most post-painful surgery (out of 18 of them) I’ve had.  You don’t even start cardio rehab until two weeks post surgery.


    Dario in the police station in front of almost the entire Salem Keystone Kops…yet no one put’s this little "girl" in time out!!!?????  She a little pit! 


    there probably would have been charges filed.  But I guess they don’t consider a woman attacking a man to be serious.  But remember, it IS the Salem PD.


     (DH’s daughter – whatever her name is) would have cuffed her and said she was under arrest.  I mean she walks in there like she’s the commissioner and makes her demands, then physically attacks the prisoner in front of everyone.  I so wanted her to be arrested and thrown in jail for her impudence.  This is just another disgusting way of changing a character to the extreme and making me hate her even more than I already had.  All I could picture in my mind was in the middle of her running off at the mouth, a giant fly swatter coming down on top of her.  Yeah, that would’a worked for me.


    You mean the female detective is someone’s daughter?  Patti, who is DH?


     she’s been on several times in the past, mainly working with Bo on Ciara’s kidnapping case, and I believe one other time.  


    Is she the same one that was Melanie’s friend in Paris when she was first introduced on the show?


    then also, I did not like Melanie (character) then almost as much as I do now…so I was really using the FF’ding button back then…I’ve had spurts where I could almost tolerate her when she was with Phillip at times, (that may have been all Phillip’s doing however), but now my FF’d button has her picture on it once again!  Can’t stand the weepy, little girl woe-is-me, boo-hoo-boo-hooing, fly into a temper tantrum at the drop of a hat, curled up pouty mouth!  Now should I tell you how I really feel about Melanie?  LOL!




     or give Melanie one of your wash, rinse and repeat stories, like amnesia, maybe, just so she’ll go away…..far, far, far away…..and perhaps return one day, but never utter another word until hell freezes over, or the world, as we know it, comes to an end, whichever comes first.  I really don’t care where this character is concerned.  Philip and Nathan, fall on your knees and count your blessings.  

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