she knew when her own daughter was born, and there’s at least 2 or 3 years difference between Mel and Mia, but that still doesn’t answer how she knew for sure it was Melanie. There must be any number of girls that age living in Salem, so how did she know for sure. And how did she know that her daughter was living with Maggie? Too many loose ends for me.
There are definitely a lot of loose ends, but that never stopped them (writers) before. I just thought that the ??’s were supposed to be for the audience’s benefit, I could most assuredly be wrong!
She mentioned that Lawrence made her give the baby to "that man" and she knew that he was evil. So if she knew who he was (Trent) then it would be pretty easy to track down who she was. She did mention something about tracking her down, so I imagine that is what she did. Find out what happened with Trent, find her daughter.