Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Midol Complete…completely lame!

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     First Abby has a headache and asks for aspirin! Doesn’t everyone know that you shouldn’t take aspirin during your period because it thins your blood and can cause excessive bleeding? Then Jenn digs in her purse and finds Midol Complete and they go into full=blown commercial mode. Too obious, too condescending, too lame. I hated that scene. And it’s not because of the product, any product would have been just as awful!


    Karen Inna

    I found it comical in a pukey way


    And saw Gilda Radner and Lorraine Newman doing the Puppy Uppers and Doggie Downers commercial.


    placement BS that we thought it was LAME!!!


     since so many people have complained about them; guess not.  It really is lame, since they look so out of place during a soap opera.  I’m surprised she didn’t hold the bottle up next to her face while she was talking about what Midol Complete does for you.


    how the actors could get through with a straight face!


    I used to take aspirin by the bottle full when I was younger but not for cramps (believe it or not, I’ve never had cramps in my life) but for headaches which occured during my period.  Strangely enough, after going to a multitude of doctors and having probably every test available without a diagnosis, when I went through my change of life, the headaches went away and I rarely, if ever, have one now.  But I can’t take them at all now because of my two perforated ulcers.

    I guess as far as these product placements go, I’d rather endure them than say having to let one of the cast go to save on money.


    it was like they plopped a commercial into the middle of the Brady Pub. Kudos to Melissa R for being able to say the lines wihtout TOTALLY sounding like a commercial even though it was one!


    PMShow…Like I mentioned before when they did this, if we have to sit through product placement during the show, then they can make our show longer than the 22 minutes of actual acting by cutting the regular eight minutes of commercials…


    That made me laugh and Chad’s hot and ‘crispy’ fries made me laugh today, too.  They looked so cold and soggy.  If I were Abby, I wouldn’t have wanted them either.

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