I thought it was so funny when Bonnie told MiMi she had only “one life to live” and then said something about “days of our lives”. I love that they injected some humor in there.
about one life to live. Aside from that couldn’t you smack Bonnie? What a low life! But Meems just as bad for consenting to this scam and using her baby. I don’t care what Bonnie is holding over her head – likely a lie too.
I love when soaps are self aware. I remember when they SORAS’d Belle and Marlena/John came home from their honeymoon and John said something along the line of "wow you got so big." Or when Peter Reckell came back – the last scene w/RKK he said to Bille "it’s not like you’re never going to see me again" and Peter’s first line was "ah – home again home again." So cute when they do stuff like that. It’s a wink @ the audience.