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    Who is this Phyllis that Leo had brought up. Do we really need name plugging of characters in Genoa City in this soap?


    At first I thought it was his mom, but that’s Diana Colville. Was the drag queen Leo was married to named Phyllis? I have looked up characters on Days named Phyllis, and the only person who comes up is Phyllis Anderson and she hasn’t been on the show in probably 40 years.


    I’m thinking she is the manager of Salem Inn.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by bluebonnet.

    I kind of doubt that this Phyllis woman is the manager of the Salem Inn, given that with how long the Salem Inn had been in Salem, I kind of doubt that this show would give a name to a manager, who has never been seen, much less heard, or any performer playing, for that matter, now would they?

    Remember, back when they had Beyond Salem season 1. Secret Agent Kyle Graham, a.k.a, Dimitri von Leuschner had brought up that he knew of his statehood cousins, Frankie & Max Brady, when only actor Peter Porte knew of them by reading the script. Not once did they play up of how the character knew of his American cousins, so he threw out there the names of his cousins that only the actor had read about, is equivalent to the main crux of this additional footnote, so to speak, don’t you think?


    Well, the show has mentioned a Salem Inn’s manager’s name before but never showed a face. I think that name was Phyllis.


    It doesn’t matter if the show mentioned the manager’s name or not, what matters is why, when the character is never seen or played by anyone, & also, there’s a need to mention a character who’s never seen, much less played by anyone?


    Just offering a suggestion as to where the name came from.

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