may like Abby and Chad together from what I read on the posts…but since C&M are a real life couple – (or so I’ve heard), I’d just like to see them together.
And since I missed (on purpose) the summer months on the show – Is it me or did Melanie get a revamping of her character? In the last few scenes I didn’t notice her pouty little girl ways with her face and her attitude…now she seems like just a fun young lady who enjoys life. Maybe it was a good thing to be away from the show for awhile for me.
Besides that, Abby seems to be a real downer in her last few scenes, granted she’s been dealing with Jack’s return to the family, can’t blame her there, but she should at least listen to him and what he has to say instead of berating him constantly. Not sure if Chad can take another "down-sad-depressed" girl in his life again. Mel may be a good thing for him too. Plus, if they get together and become a couple, then there’s the Kiriaki’s/DeMera thingy in the future – possiblities, possiblities….
dun-ta-dun-dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (soap opera music)…