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    Holy cow. I figured I’d better write something. It appears most of the good dramas have shown their season finales so now there is a period of nothing but crap being shown until the new ones start up again in July. I don’t see too much new that I’m really looking forward to seeing but I sure hope they come up with something exciting or at least worth watching every week.


    I have to say I am hooked on this season. I can’t wait to see each episode that focuses on Jen and Bill’s adoption of two overseas kids. That little Will from China is just adorable and so watchable!


    Yes, isn’t Will the cutest little thing? Can’t wait now to see Zoe. Boy, how brave to adopt two kids so close together. But they seem to be in their glory.

    Watching them on their first day really got me to thinking how devastating it would be if he just totally rejected them and cried constantly. They can’t communicate at all with the different languages. At least Jen is a pediatrician so that should help. And it looks like he’s going to adapt just fine.


    on June 24th, I believe, is Under The Dome, but anyone who knows me knows I love these kind of shows. The promos look interesting, and I’m a huge Stephen King fan.


    he kind of went over the top. His early works, The Stand, Cujo, Carrie, The Shining, Firestarter, Christine, etc. were great but then… I remember reading this book and thinking it was not anything special but maybe whoever is the screenwriter can spice it up.

    I just don’t see how this story can be sustained long enough for a series. But then, I thought the same thing about The Following, Lost and a couple of others and they did it.


     When did Zoe appear?   I thought I just saw a commercial for Will coming home.   I always forget to watch, even though I really enjoy it when I do see it.  Jen is just so tiny.  I saw one episode when a baby monitor went off in the hospital and she really hustled to get there, but her legs aren’t long enough and she’s not built to run.  Guess I’ll have to look this all up online.


    and saw the movies as well. Cujo was terrific; that damn dog scared the hell out of me every time he attacked that car, but when he came crashing through that window after the mom thought he was dead, I remember screaming out loud. LOL. Of course, The Shining will always be a blockbuster.


    this couple is getting back to back kids from Asia. Talk about a challenge! Two foreign languages, two huge adjustments, just the time factor with their jobs is going to be a big obstacle. I think Will will make a great big brother. He certainly seems to go with the flow so far.


     But you have to see the episode when they pick up Will.


    Did it switch days? It hasn’t been on in like three weeks. What gives?


    because they (the kids) are little people. They are probably not as adoptable as a regular size kid is. And then them being LPs also gives them an advantage in knowing the challenges raising a LP would be.


    Or did I miss a move?

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