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  • #15378

    speaking of Bill Horton,  wasnt he supposed be back on the show at some point??  or did I imagine that? 


    of a spoiler we had read.  I haven’t seen anything further about it so I’m assuming it isn’t really happening.  Darn!  I wouldn’t mind seeing him come back to town to stay and have Victor and Bill vieing for Maggie’s attentions…not ‘fighting’…vieing.  ‘Nother words, keeping it civil.


    Yeah, I think someone on another forum read of the actor being hired as Bill Horton and posted on that forum that he was coming back. Later it was pointed out that it had been an old post before Alices’s funeral that they had read and misinterpreted.

    Ms. Jake

    Wellllll, thats going a little far….Carly is Nick Alamain’s mother….Carly is younger then Kate. Chad is almost the same age as Melanie! It’s a little far fetched to think Carly is Chad’s grandmother!


     it’s a major problem in all soaps when you start doing comparisons of what can and can’t possibly be.  Happens all the time.


     daughter (Chelsea) who is older than Melanie by a little.  Carly had Nicholas when she was 17, if he had Chad @ say 22, and Chad is 18, that would make Carly 57 which is about the age they had Bo at one point.   Carly would have been 35 or so when she had Melanie who is 21 (I say this since she’s drinking) making Carly around 56 so it’s possible she’s 57.  Kate’s history would be Austin being older than Billie (at least he was at one point), Billie was in her 20s when she had Chelsea, Chelsea is 24 (say), Billie would be in about 44 or so and Kate, if she had Billie/Austin in her 20s would be about 64. That would make Kate older than Carly.  


     Stefano!  Guess his gene pool is still full!  lol  I was so hoping for someone other than him being another Dimera but not to be.  Now we’ll have Chad/Will either fighting for Stefano’s attention or fighting each other with the Dimera/Brady-Horton hatred.


    P.O.’d to have to share the Dimera fortune with another sibling…and so the legacy continues…


    That was my exact first thought! EJ is going to be pissed to have to share the money, the house, and Fatha’s attention!! That mansion is going to be Grand Central Station before long.


    I can’t believe the writers would even think of making Chad Stefano’s son, let alone actually doing it.  How unoriginal.  I could have accepted Tony but, come on, how many kids does that make now for ol’ Steffie?  I can’t even keep tract of them all. 


     this is so pathetic.  No imagination or creativity on the part of this writing team whatsoever.  So many other interesting avenues they could have taken.  Sad, sad, sad …. my middle-school grandkids write better that this bunch of no-talented boobs.  No wonder we’re at the bottom of the ratings pool once again.  


    stefano’s the daddy?! SHOOT ME ALREADY, AND LET THE BIRDS HAVE THEIR WAY WITH ME, FOR CRYIN’ OUT LOUD! I ain’t happy with this one! Why the heck does Chad even have to be anybody else’s son, to begin with?! Ugh! smh @ DOOL writers.


    rinse and repeat cycle once again.




     Or 10 if you count Peter and his sister who I am temporarily forgetting her name.  But, when you systematically kill off those that don’t please you … the numbers get reduced quickly! lol Then there’s Kate who also seems to spawn frequently!  lol

    Just realized that this would make Grace also Stefano’s grandchild (poor Sami wouldn’t have been able to stay away from him either way and the paternity might have shown the Dimera gene pool too if it had been done). So EJ was raising his niece as his own for a while!  Nicole, you did a great job, you found the one child in Salem besides Sydney that would have had the Dimera blood flowing through her veins! lol  


    Now since we don’t know who Nathan’s father is, I guess he could turn out to be another Dimera too!

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