Stefano and E.J., how can I say this … before you scream at the cops that they have "no just cause to hold you," try and stop laughing long enough to think about it for, oh, I don’t know, a nano-second, and I just know you’ll come up with something. And Sami, stifle it. Stop telling E.J. and Stefano "this is not over" because you’re just making fans more disgusted with your pea-sized brain. You had the chance when the gun was in your hand and your tormentor was lying on your bed, drunk and unconscious …. YOU BLEW IT …. so, please, stop telling E.J. his law books won’t get him off "this time," when you should know by now that all he and fatha’ need to walk out of jail is for you to threaten them, and then have your Uncle Bo and Auntie Hope take over. Otherwise, wait for September like all the rest of us to find out if paybacks really are a bitch; otherwise, they’ll be back on the streets before the sun goes down.